Desert Arena: SURVIVAL (Minecraft Fight Animation)


コメント (21)
  • @goofyd3rp369
    I love how derp's fighting style has a clumsiness to it, he's like that one player who unintentionally does cool stuff.
  • @theblaze2294
    what I really like about this animation is that they finally gave depth to characters that aren't just the main, each character had such a unique fighting style fitting to their personality and the back and forward tension was really good. It wasn't rendered as well and the start was a bit fast/confusing but this is one of the best if not the best animation since a long time.
  • @Wmann
    Even without dialogue, I could tell the context and how the characters interact with each other. The tuning in their reactions, interactions and personality are great in this.
  • 17:07 I like this silly moment here. The arena leader was like "Wtf. that derp guy won, against blondie? how does that happen?" . Lmao he was so confused hhahah
  • I really like how derp got his own adventure and getting through alot in his character development, he can be a main character for any reasons, even his fish companion who just can breath air for unknown reason that i cant find rn
  • @Mont27P
    Great debut animation by Zilleyon. Been a slower year from us, but got some more coming out this month + a big next year planned, so it shouldn't be so quiet from us. For those not in our Discord (Would recommend joining), Alex and Steve Adventures series finale is being worked on by Michael, should be early next year :D
  • "Noob" has such a neat combat style in this Especially love that he showed up to the "final boss fight" with an armful of weapons XD The way he manipulated the chains (sticking them to a wall with a sword, turning them to a tripping hazard) was pretty cool
  • I don't usually think to hard about animations like this, but man, the characterization of the protagonists and antagonists throughout is so unusual and facinating. You got your main boi The Derp, clumsy and foolhardy yet unexpectedly powerful. He's strong enough to defeat his opponents and kind enough to spare their lives, and though he's not the strongest his creativity, unpredictability, and ability to think outside the box gives him the win. The fight coordinator is interesting because he's disinterested. His body language is bored and laid back, like a guy watching a dull movie rather than witnessing a murder. The arena is just a job to the Coordinator, the organized killing nothing more than to him than a money-making method. He only loses his composure when something unexpected happens like the Derp defeating the top two gladiators, and even then, it seems more like aggravation and annoyance rather than a true emotional response. Even when Derp defeats the hammer gladiator and makes a grand escape the Coordinator is more annoyed than worried, looking at him like a minor inconvenience rather than the absolute beast he is. The spear guy and sword guy are nothing new, just wandering adventurers caught up in a seriously bad situation. They're both merciful, strong, and strategic in their own ways, though the one scythe guy did end up murdered. Probably the most impressive feat among the two was their joint escape, with the sword guy intentionally throwing the fight to the dual sword girl and faking his death and the spear guy escaping from captivity and going back to rescue the Derp. Overall, a pretty cool duo if not a bit basic. The dual sword girl (the "Sellsword", anyone?) is a fascinating character in that she's basically a sociopath. She kills indiscriminately and without hesitation, constantly grinning and fooling around despite the dire situation she's in. Her body language and facial expressions are constantly relaxed and playful, and she even goes out of her way to taunt and/or tease the other fighters, an innocent act severely out of place in the blood-soaked arena. The Sellsword seems to have been in the arena so long she's snapped, giving in to the violence and leaving her fear and mercy behind, a soulless killer hiding behind a friendly smile. Escaping with the Derp and his buddies was probably the best thing that happened to her in a while, especially considering how she would have been mummified if she'd stayed. Speaking of mummies, the entity that creates them is an odd one. Nothing is known or disclosed about them beyond what is directly shown, leaving the viewer to ask their own questions. What is the creature, and why is it there? Why does looking at its eyes turn you into a mummy? Is it there willingly or is it a prisoner like the rest? Lots of questions and no answers leave the entity unknowable, a character shrouded in mystery and obscurity. Lastly, the hammer gladiator is an intriguing antagonist in the way he's presented. A powerful, relentless fighter using brute strength and cheap tricks to conquer fighter after fighter, killing and disrespecting each opponent that steps up to him. The hammer gladiator seems to have been in the arena far longer than anyone else and is clearly the Coordinator's favorite because of it, fighting and killing up until he faces the Derp. As deadly as gladiator is in conflict he seems just as lethargic outside of it, sitting around aimlessly and never interacting with the other fighters, even dismissing the Sellsword's attempts at teasing with a single glare. He gives the impression of being tired and worn down, a fighter that has seen too many battles yet refuses to rest. It is interesting though, how even after being defeated in the ring the hammer gladiator continues to live, standing on the ridge with the Coordinator and his lackies watching the Derp and his friends escape. It gives a stronger sense of importance to the character, that he may stand among the masters of the arena as an equal rather than a slave. Perhaps he knows more than it seems, or perhaps he is even more dangerous than the Coordinator yet still serves under him. Finally, the gladiator represents a parallel to what the Derp would have become if his friends hadn't rescued him from the arena; a tired, broken man forever taking lives just to survive another day. Not only is this anathema to the Derp's character, it further reinforces the differences between the two, highlighting the importance of their confrontation and the fortune that Derp had in escaping it.
  • @cleonumber1
    Brilliant animation, seems a shame that the best media seems to come from youtube these days. You guys deserve more recognition
  • honestly, i dont know what it was, but it really felt like i just watched a whole movie that was an hour long in one sitting, the characters felt so alive and the fighting movements were literally incredible, you guys really never fail to bring minecraft to life, ill always come back to this channel from time to time to appreciate every single moment of such amazing artists and work behind these, because this is what makes everything shine to its potential. just scrumptious job to everyone that has worked behind this. supremacy to derp as well
  • Derp's fighting style is unpredictable as I've observed, his unpredictability is one of the reasons why he is still alive, also because of the Goated FISH that is somehow still alive even without water.
  • @mnsmoofer9946
    Congratulations to Zilleyon for getting to direct a Squared Media production! This is one of the few BPS animations I've watched where I really felt his animation style. When I heard that he had directed this, I knew I was in for a treat, but I didn't expect it to be such a cinematic masterpiece for a shorter production. Not only did every movement have fluidity, but weight and intention. The fight scenes in this were phenomenal, and you could really feel the difference in styles between characters. But their personalities showed even outside the arena, in just how they entered the room. Even the score was amazing and carried the weight of every moment. The shot composition and just how everything all fit together was perfect. This had SoW and Starfall vibes, and it didn't even have voice acting.
  • @SpielefreakJ
    Absolute amazing Animation, Zilleyon. And a huge congrats of becoming a Director for SQM <3
  • @Nooeeellll
    Besides the AMAZING animation, I really love the way that four of the fighters survived and not just Derp. I was devastated when the blond guy was eliminated but thanks to the director, he and his three other friends escaped in the end.
  • @denviljin
    Blud was carrying that fish since 2012 🔥🔥🔥
  • The new combat style Zilleyon has brought to the team is incredible! I especially like the particle effects on weapon clashes & the lithe, fast-paced combat. The only (very slight) issue I noticed is that the background characters often have synced up animations (since the same animation was copy-pasted on multiple spectators). But some minor things are to be expected on a new director's first video. IMO this is one of the best animations Squared Media has released in a long time!
  • @ubnominal
    I cannot stop rewatching the part where Derp utilized everything he had in his disposal to get a very satisfying blow (and sound) straight to the head of the Gladiator Nevertheless, the animation is so well made, especially the fight scenes because of how they have this weighty feel to have this impact of the weapon mixed with the fantastic fighting choreography Moreover, each character had so much personality and a unique fighting style exclusive to them displayed in this video. Hands down, one of my favourite Squared Media videos