JPL and the Space Age: The Pathfinders

Publicado 2022-06-30
It started with JPL agreeing to land something on Mars – cheaply – and do it in a radically different way. This is how the era NASA called “Faster, Better, Cheaper” began. The documentary film “The Pathfinders” tells the story of a small group of engineers at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory who did not heed warnings that the audacious challenge of landing on Mars with airbags would likely not be a career-enhancing move.

From relying on a parachute that could not be tested in a way to match the Martian atmosphere to receiving the late addition of an unwanted rover that wouldn’t have looked out of place in a toy store, the Mars Pathfinder mission was a doubter’s dream, taken on by a mostly young group of engineers and scientists guided by a grizzled manager known for his maverick ways.

“The Pathfinders” retraces the journey of this daring mission to Mars that captured the imagination of people around the world with its dramatic landing and its tiny rover – the first wheels ever to roll on Mars.

Documentary length: 60 minutes

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @davidly138
    Hearing Neil's voice gives me goosebumps. I remember listening to all of the codex entries in all 3 Mass Effect games and Neil's voice is perfect.
  • @japroz
    Im in love with this JPL and the space age series
  • @kao354
    Thank you! Finally story of Pathfinder+Sojourner is told by JPL itself on Youtube. The video is great! Thank you again!
  • These documentaries must be mandatory in Universities as a part of introduction to engineering class. They show the importance of leadership and team work, understanding policy and policy making, why budget matters, how much you can accomplish so much with so little and what is risk taking and what to do when you fail.
  • @DarkDragonPath
    The part at 56:50 choked me up... Thinking about how poor little Sojourner basically did a "Land Before Time" with their mother(ship) Pathfinder passing away right in front of her, waiting patently by their side before they too finally succumb to the elements. 😢😢😢 Fantastic, ground-breaking mission though, I grew up on this and other explorations of the cosm
  • @roshaan
    This mission was why I got interested in space and astronomy. It has literally changed my life!
  • @GibsonGH
    These docs are fascinating. I remember watching Curiosity's landing live stream years ago. It was maybe the most gripping and monumental stream I have ever witnessed. The dedication and skill of these folks is enormous.
  • @MarkHopewell
    I remember patiently waiting until the early hours of the morning in the UK to download the first image from Pathfinder's Sojourner rover after it had landed back in 1997. It took almost as long to download the file over a 14K modem! Exciting times.
  • @TarrBenceLaszlo
    This is an amazing documentary with a very touching happy ending! I was at the edge of my seat watching the EDL! Almost felt like a live broadcast! Congratulazions to JPL for this ground-breaking mission, and also for making this film! THANK YOU!
  • @claudelebel49
    An incredibly moving historical capsule. Well done !!
  • @RV4aviator
    I love JPL and all it stands for..! Anyone even not interested, or informed about Space Science Engineering, hearing "JPL" immediately says "oh yeah , NASA's Rocket Guys " . When properly funded ( Viking ) heavy landers with lots of data return capacity are delivered. When not funded abundantly ( Pathfinder/Sojourner ) light , data scarce landers are sucessfully delivered. And so onto Spirit and Opportunity, heavier and more successful. And now the gigantic Curiosity and Perseverance Rovers...! In summary, place your bets on JPL, because those brainiacs CAN deliver...!!!!!! 😀 Great doco, thank you...!
  • @mikekemble958
    an exceptional programme, thank you all, from the UK
  • @scaryb69
    That was cool. Would love to see more of behind the scenes stuff..laboratory, control center, problem solving, landing and scouting footage. Never boring for me. Could watch and study for days. Thanks for this vid.
  • @robbyirwin4846
    What a awsome story of such a awsome , humble and fun team staying true to them selves!! Wish the whole world would approach stuff like the way this team did!!! Thanks!!