Orianthi & Eric Johnson - Never Make Your Move Too Soon - 2023 Int’l Guitar Festival - 5/6/23


コメント (11)
  • What a great jam! At times they had to make adjustments, but they got a nice groove going and threw down some licks. For me, spontaneous interaction between players is what makes live music so amazing. And Orianthi's humble approach, playing her best but always making room and showing patience and appreciation for guest players or band mates is wonderful. She expressed genuine gratitude to Eric at the end. More than just a great guitar player, this fine woman has developed into a class act.
  • @Eckyhade
    I think I can hear and see why they make their moves too soon.
  • @jwall3873
    Some less than intelligent comments here... This is a perfect example of what can happen when playing live... period. As those armchair quartbacks seem to know nothing about... Have had that same cord issue happen on my bass and also a bad PA cord issue... It sucks, and you say to yourself "oh F, got to get this fixed fast for the audience sake," then soldier on -- rebound professionally as possible... On an album you can fix it, playing live is a different set of possibilities!
  • Good on Eric for keeping one hand in his pocket, so as not to put Orianthi to shame.
  • @castorkat4868
    Hows does SHE get to play with him..MILES apart in talent
  • A few words of advise Eric ..don't chase young blondes even if they can shred... this had a BB King feel
  • @bigelile07
    If you are going to have Eric on stage with you, get his sound right! His tone, which he is known for, was completely off.