Opening a wide variety of wonderful gifts from all over the world 🌍

In 'Cadeaux at the Chateau', all of the inhabitants of the Chateau de Lalande gather together to open beautiful gifts that people have sent from all over the world. All of the monetisation from these videos will be donated to a different charity each month. YouTube earnings fluctuate wildly each month, as ad revenue changes throughout the year. Here are the charities that we've donated to so far:
July 2020:
British Heart Foundation UK (in memory of my father) €634
August 2020:
Alzheimer's Research UK (in memory of all of the residents of my parents' nursing homes) €650
September 2020:
Prostate Cancer Foundation (in memory of Selmar's father) €1,255
October 2020:
Medecins sans Frontieres (chosen by my mother to support vaccinations in Africa) €942 (equivalent to 426 cholera vaccinations)
November & December 2020 & Jan & Feb 2021:
A Lalande Fashion Scholarship for a student at the Villioti Fashion Institute in South Africa R100,000 (approx €5,800)
March 2021:
Suffolk Artlink £1,505
April 2021:
Association Petit Prince €1,689
May 2021:
Melanoma Focus €1,204
June 2021:
Aide aux Jeunes Diabétiques €1,735
July, August & September 2021:
The 2nd year of the Lalande Fashion Scholarship for a student at the Villioti Fashion Institute in South Africa R100,000 (approx €5,800)
October 2021:
A La Bonne Vauvre (our local Crozon sur Vauvre community centre) €3,184
November 2021:
Techo €2,709
December 2021:
Genesis Hope El-Roi Baby Home ZAR90,000 (€5,248.01)
If you'd like to see the video we made in the South African orphanage, click here:    • How this YouTube channel has made a d...  
January 2022:
We Are Here Venice €2,000
February 2022:
Red Cross for Ukraine €2,019
March 2022:
The Fred Hollows Foundation €2,311
April, May & June 2022:
Ardmore Community Fund €5893
July 2022:
Institut Curie €2.150
August 2022:
Movember €2.246
September, October & November 2022:
3rd year of the Lalande Fashion Scholarship for a student at the Villioti Fashion Institute in South Africa €6.092

I used to show the gifts as part of ' @The Chateau Diaries ' episodes, but you're all so very generous that we have many gifts, and if we spent the episodes opening them, we wouldn't be able to show you other aspects of chateau life! So, for those of you who enjoy watching presents being opened, and as a way to thank those of you who were kind enough to send them, I've made this new channel. Every week we will film your beautiful gifts whilst enjoying afternoon tea or aperitif together.

It is very important to me that you know that we in no way expect anyone to send us gifts. I would like to go further than that and add that, if doing so will put you in any financial difficulty whatsoever, please, please do not send us anything. Knowing that you join us by watching 'The Chateau Diaries' gives us all an enormous boost. But for those of you who have sent these incredibly thoughtful gifts, I hope that seeing us open them gives you a fraction of the joy that you've given us 💖💖💖

If you would like to see more of our life at the chateau, please go to our main 'Chateau Diaries' channel:

コメント (21)
  • I understand why your stopping the opening of gifts but I learn so much about fabric, wall paper, porcelains and china . I am going to miss these beautiful moments. 😢❤
  • Andrew is so kind! I’m soaking up all of these final months of cadeau. People are so generous and clever with their gifts ❤
  • Andrew is the perfect foil for Stephanie on Cadeau - no peeking in the box! I love Andrew’s sense of humour and hope to see him helping again. Mummy’s shoes look gorgeous on her and each and every one of the fabrics are so beautiful. Instead of making most of them into cushions would the fabulous orange longer strips ( or any other) be enough to make seating cushions for the outdoor settee or chairs? All colours can be intermixed for outdoor summer cheer.🎁👏❤️
  • Dear Stephanie, thank you for inviting Andrew to the "Cadeaux at the Chateau"!!! He has lovely comments and he is an exquisite choice for the "Cadeaux at the Chateau"!!! Isabell is a gem and inspiration as always! 💟
  • Love seeing Andrew at the Cadeau.. I love his brand of levity! His laugh is contagious! Such a lovely gentleman 💗🦊
  • People love to give you gifts not only because you are so gracious and appreciative, but because you will use everything. Especially fabrics and anything related to entertaining. Your joy gives us all joy.
  • Thank you all for demonstrating human generosity and kindness. At times one might believe it has gone missing. Fortunately, I know where to find it. ❤
  • Yes Stephanie, you were correct. The bird house is a gourd. Gourds were used in parts of Southern Africa to carry water or store a drink made from millet. Smaller gourds with a long neck were used to scoop drinking water, like a ladle. Gourds are also found in South America. All your You Tube channels are priceless! Thanks for spreading love, laughter and joy! Be well
  • The way Isabell thought about putting that birdfeeder up where she could see it from her window, I was waiting for a smoke to come out of her ears 😂
  • Lovely Andrew Is With You To Night Stephanie. Wonderful Gifts. Xx 😘😊
  • Such beautiful fabric. After the B&B season is over, then a chair, pillow and clothing weekend would be wonderful. ❤
  • Oh my gosh Andrew is perfect for this. He is very interested in everything and has a lovely personality. Please invite him again. You have received so many stunning gifts. You truly are blessed. Those shoes for your mom are stunning. Those fabrics are amazing. Love these videos. Going to be sad when it ends.
  • What another wonderful caddeau. It was lovely having Andrew as a quest.❤
  • @lawjoy72
    Aww, the dish was broken, how sad! But so glad you enjoyed the package. 💗💗💗
  • No wonder the chateau is busting at the beams :-)
  • Andrew is a delight on Cadeau so chatty and involved really livens it up definitely invite him again