Judy Woodruff discusses political division in America | Alaska Insight

There’s no question that America is deeply politically divided, but what does this division mean for the future of our country? Longtime PBS NewsHour anchor Judy Woodruff has been traveling the country talking to Americans in the lead up to the next Presidential election to explore the causes and effects of intense political division. Woodruff was in Alaska recently to report on the state’s open primary system and ranked choice voting and she joins host Lori Townsend to discuss her series on this Alaska Insight.

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コメント (21)
  • Thank you for an interesting talk. I've always enjoyed & respect Judy Woodruff! 🫡
  • @lokipokey
    Thanks for this great interview. I'm looking forward to hearing her reporting about Alaska's ranked choice voting system.
  • Great research, by Judy Woodruff et all. Former Alaska resident in 1972, it was a wild ride even then to be in a state where if you did not stop to pick up a hitchhiker, you could be breaking the law. In a effort to create laws which would save the lives of Alaskans, we all put down our differences and shoulder-to-shoulder worked to survive the winters together. The only reason we left the state...my feet were never warm enough and we missed the sunshine in the winter. 😎
  • Commenting because we need more insightful content on the internet and pushing the algo to hopefully reach more folks.
  • Wonderful to see judy! I miss your on pbs here in minnisota.
  • If Eastern Oregon doesn’t like the rules and laws that the majority of Oregonians vote in, they’re welcome to move to Idaho. It sounds like they be happier there anyway.
  • How wonderful if Alaska, with its diversity of tribes and peoples, were to emerge as a becon of hope--a living testament to how a nation can coexist harmoniously where the inhabitants hold fast to differing viewpoints yet by their interactions they acknowledge each other’s inherent dignity. Please visit us again soon, Judy!
  • @JJMHigner
    We deserve whatever we get Together as private citizens and work out something like this conference which is brilliant. In talking to politicians and corporations need us to be divided in order to make money and to ensure their own elections and positions. It is this.I believe that is fracturing our population.Because we are told to stay away from each other.
  • Judy's current work is profoundly important. Young folks should listen to a balanced perspective. Understand better the pov of the people that think "differently" than your own pov. David Brooks is following in her strong and honorable footsteps.
  • All I can say on this interview as a gun owner and an Idaho resident is that Judy should keep this up and we will be more divided. Why can't journalists report all the news rather than bias tidbits. But conservatives want a Civil War in America and Judy can help make that possible. I was so frustrated with this especially the Idaho part that I couldn't finish it.
  • Approved by the iconoclastic bastards club and the bourbon republican party. PBS news hour represents the highest level of journalism. And the heart and mind of the informed American citizen. Never underestimate the power of knowledge and high minded ethos. That's why we are here.
  • Part of gun safety is knowing an individual or a group who safely operates the gun as a tool . Meanwhile having the required applicable wisdom of maturity.
    Militia, gang, police squad etc etc.
    I myself don't like guns.
  • @distractionb
    Judy hasn't been asking difficult questions in the last 15 years.
  • @WM-ln4dz
    Ultimately there is no desire to compromise - it isn't that it wouldn't be ideal, but it simply isn't possible. I live in Atlanta, and I'd love to secede from this horrible state - the state government is beholden to rural Republicans, and doesn't care one iota about folks in the City. Ultimately, at all levels we need more districts so that we can be more granular as to what the citizenry actually believes, and make gerrymandering far more difficult.

    Further, in TN, there was no acknowledgement that supporting school shootings is the policy that TN citizens WANT. They are getting exactly the policy they want.