Street and Nye | Winter Adirondack 46er

Published 2024-01-25
Finally back in the Adirondacks for a weekend! The plan was to do Street and Nye on day one, Big Slide on day two, and Nippletop, Dial, Sawteeth, and Indian Head on the third day. My plans for the third day were canceled because I was beat, I've never hiked two days back to back, let alone three. My 27th and 28th of the 46 and the first winter high peak for the 46! This was an incredible day with some brutally cold conditions predicted, -27°F wind chill on the summit of Street! While most of the hike was under tree coverage, the wind was not really noticeable, so it wasn't as bad as expected. This was a beautiful hike with the nicely broken-out trail all the way up to both summits. The only water crossing of concern, Indian Pass Brook, was easily passable with an ice bridge over it.

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