Villains ranked ,Gravity falls, owl house , Amphibia

Publicado 2023-06-26
also here's some time stamps for each villain.
Emperor Belos 0:47
King Andrias 11:12
Bill cipher 20:10

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • I think Bill’s presence is even stronger considering how much of an icon he’s become despite the few episodes he was given
  • @youtubebobguy
    Bill Cipher: Says he's happy, he's a liar. Andrias: 1000 years of hating himself. Belos: Thinks he's protecting humans from evil, when he is evil
  • The saddest part about Belos is that in Gravesfield he is still basically considerd a fairy tale hero meaning that without even knowing he basically already had everything he wanted to a degree but because he never botherd to find out he ended upp dying in the place he hated and by a fellow human after rolling a 0 on his charisma. The only saving grace for him is that the rest of humanity will never know that he turned himself into a monster that is basically everything his brother and to some extent himself hated.
  • @Megalovaniac
    For bill his conclusion was also really good in the sense that there was the whole real life thing where you had to find his statue
  • @matteopugliese4658
    Personally i like Belos human design exactly due to how ordinary it is. The interesting part about Belos is that while he is now a monster, he was initially just an human. Giving him an ordinary look works because it rapresent how he is not some kind of cartoony villain or a monstrous demon that's born that way. He is just a regular person like many, anyone could have been Belos. That also give him an element of realism. Obviously his power and actions are not realistic in the slightes, but his motivations and mindset are pretty realistic and it's not impossible that a real evil person in a similar situation could make the same things, so having him look like a regual human help giving the impression that he is really anyone special, anyone could be Belos.
  • The third place is a king, the second place is an emperor and the first place is a god
  • @Negi1001
    These were truly the best villains to come out of Disney in the last decade. I will never forget The Floating Dorito Shaped Outer God, The Cybernetic Battle Newt, and Hitler for Witches.
  • @simpleviewer1334
    What I like about Bill the most is that his powers do seem incredibly limited and so endless at the same time as without a physical form it requires him to make deals Even in his physical form he can't read minds unless you willingly let him, what is great too is the fact that according to the Simpsons he was Jesus, the Monkey King, and Loki meaning he manipulated 2 entirely different groups of people to indirectly worship him
  • I like how real of a villain Belos is what makes him strong. His beliefs are bigoted, he hides them in order to manipulate the public. Something very true to real life, both in the past and present. Another thing that feels real is how he abuses and manipulates Hunter. Belos doesn’t constantly hit Hunter all the time, he knows when to dial it back and be “nice” to him. Which makes Hunter trust him and want his approval
  • @GamersaurLRZ
    I think Bill Cipher is the character that more apears, he apears at the intro in EVERY SINGLE EPISODE and the show is full of triangles with one eye. THAT'S foreshadowing.
  • @NickAndriadze
    I mostly agree with this video's points. But in ''effects on the protagonist'' part for Andrias' entry, you forgot to mention one thing. Anne's terror over telling her parents that she indirectly helped an interdimensional tyrant get an opportunity to invade the entire multiverse, and the fact that a mercenary robot is literally trying to kill her... And that revelation goes HARD! All the things Anne's family believed about her, their thoughts on how mature she's become, all that crashing down just because of this. The entire first part of season 3A hinges at that and the ''finale'' for this arc is amazing. Anne-sterminator is genuinely a phenomenal episode.
  • @Fliarpy2029
    I like how bill seems like another one monster at first, like in every episode, then you see him again and your like “oh him again?” And he keeps coming back
  • @glyph__
    Belos killed his own brother, used charisma and intelligence alone to take over an entire island's political world, cementing himself as the emperor that no one questions for 50 years while simultaneously poisoning the memory of the days before his reign until everyone unanimously knows it as the dark ages, manipulates a god into giving him real power, becomes the strongest witch in the boiling isles despite being human through intricate knowledge of glyphs that he developed against the will of the Titan who was actively hiding the knowledge from him, raised hundreds of clones to do his bidding while having a hold on everyone around him to the point they would do basically anything to serve him, very nearly succeeded in literal genocide before being undone by the aforementioned god, survived being smited, possessed the latest of the aforementioned clones, re-opened the portal to the demon realm, and possessed the entirety of the isles to "cleanse this perdition himself". I didn't even get into the things he didn't personally do. Indirectly, he has an entire coven that basically serves as his personal military that enforces his will, including enforcing restrictions on magic, arresting anyone who protests or goes against the system (including children) or even strays from social norms, endangering a species of wood known to create sentient beings, hunting down peaceful creatures for plans they don't know the details of, practically holding a school hostage so they can manipulate them into taking sigils against their wills. They do this without question to his motives. He has Hunter hunt down stray palismen so he can consume them, literally sends him on missions collecting the very resources that will create his replacement, which include killing innocent creatures. He has an interest in defacing an ancient graveyard for the Galdorstones so he can make more grimwalkers (presumably with magic). Like, these things hardly scratch the surface of what he does. Hell, what the show gives us likely doesn't even get to the truly vile things he did to get to where he was concluding S2. Personally, I would count the actions of those following his orders as his own actions, and through all of that, he gets a 2/5???? I feel like completely reshaping a world in your image while indoctrinating an entire species to work towards their own extinction constitutes more than a 2/5, and given how little Andreas did in comparison and getting a 4/5 is just downright insulting.
    I want to say that the most terrifying part of Belos is not his powers. Its his charisma. His ability to get people to join his cause while thinking that what they are doing is in the right. to genuinely convince his followers that they are on the side of good. While yes there were some people who saw his evil intentions but just did not care and followed him anyways. Belos was good enough with twisting his words to his benefit that he even got Luz to willingly help him with his plans and mentally screwing with her. Luz eventually saw through the façade, but it was too late. Belos already got what he needed out of her. He done so much damage to countless lives with words alone.
  • @shotaaizawa1206
    Personally, I'd like to ad some of my own ratings for Belos and Bill While I won't change the rating, I give more credit to his face reveal. When we are first introduced to him without it, I instantly felt a "yes he's evil but he really cares for his nephew" vibe, leading into that role of deception to not just Hunter but even me. His personality, while evil and plainly obvious, shows a lot of character and emotion through out, not to mention how easily believable he can change his personality whether it'd be for that of manipulation or geniune emotion, so for personality alone 4/5 - 5/5 Motive brings it down a bit, for me, to 3/5 but beliefs are really great. While he is indeed evil, you do understand how he got towhere he was, not to mention his love-hate relationship with his brother and his refusing to change for the better just makes him so much more to fun to despise, so, again, 4/5 - 5/5 (I know I say 4/5-5/5 but I really can't decide where to put them) Personally, i'd put him at 4/5 here Actions, i'd say, deserve much higher, to 4/5 We, as the audience, really do know of what he's done and his cruelty for mental destruction is just straight evil. He literally kills his brother (to him at least) over and over and over again, likely out of both love and hate, yet even then he still see's them as just tools. He literally manipulated Hunter into getting the titan's blood in such a genius way it felt like something out of Death Note. All of that and more and putting him at 2/5 feels like an insult, atleast to me. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Again, not changing the rating, but when you think about it, Bill is a very unique villain. While seemingly at first a 1 dimensional villain, even when taking away his past he's very different from most villains; he's a main villain who's actions are far more bizarre than possibly any villain in media, especially in a morbid sense, which really ads to the surpisingly fun comedic side he has. His motive is also quite unique. Instead of a a revenge quest of sorts or to be satisfied with his goals into fruition or just winning a generic sense of just being evil, he literally just start Armeggedon just to party. That is quite comedic to think about in it's own rights when ignoring his past, which also builds on his comedic adn extroverted personality The fact that even without his sense of forshadowing or knoweledge of what he originally wants he still stays not only unique but fun is qute impressive. That said, the details we're given just add a whole new dimension to it. Heh, dimension. Bill's apearance bumps up to 4/5 for me. While it is indeed basic, it does still lead to a lot of creativity. Personally, though, his more nightmarish form in the finale is really great and disturbing, which is why i'm a bit disapointed it wasn't His simple design leads to it being really easy to remember and iconic, to the point where if anyone who knows who he is and see's a triangle with an eye in it we instantly think Bill. (Fun fact, in GF lore HE inspired the Eye of Provenence through-out history so that really ads a lore to the fun design) Presence, for me, bumps up to 4/5 at least. Even if we get rid of the zodiac in the op and just see as Bill as a sort of side antagonist alone, we still do see signs of him through the entire show from the beginning, which would only solidfy why I think, even if he was a side character, he'd still be a favorite to many. Not to mention being presented in other shows/media while still adding lore, connecting so many series together, could potentially bumb it up a point. d p d p d p d p d p d p d p d p d p d p d p d p d p d p d p d p d p d p d p d p d p d p d p d p d p d p d p d p Overall, they both bump up to the 30s, Belos right on 30 with Bill being 31. I'm not biased with the ratings but out of all the Disney media, with movies and shows, they are both my favorite antagonists of Disney. One being a complete monster, both mentally and physically, who's INCREDIBLY fleshed out, the other who's sense of mystery rivals his iconism and comedy. All three are equal in their own rights but I see Andrias as more of the sort of side villain or the other half of the side due to the Core being presented as well. I just like Bill and Belos so much not only their histories and motives but also just how so much character oozes out of them, one of them quite literally, practically giving off a physical presence of emotions. Not to mention, when it comes to them both, Belos still has a past i'd like to explore, since it still has a mystery to it, like his very early life and evolution when growing up in Gravesfield, and Bill literally cannot escape medias and entertainment: from having being presented in other shows to the creator of the show practically personifying Bill to even his "affect" in the real world (in the sense of how we practically draw imagery of him not just online but also as graffiti and urban art, to his supposed lore he's connected to, to his corpse that started a world-wide hunt for him while also technically meaning that the events are supposed to be seen as a sort of ironic "based on a true story" vibe). It's those extra additions that really solidify my love for both these characters. I love Belos as a character not just because he's a villain but because he feels like a real person manipulated to believing in what he believes and how dickish and petty he is, alot like a Disney DIO, sort of. I love Bill not just because he's funny but because he also has a completely hidden surface to him until shown to us, as well as his overwhelming mystery that stays with you for years on end. Basically, these are why I personally wanted to add up some points. Maybe it's bias but it's because of those reasons.
  • @4546Bean
    When Belos revealed his blue eye, me and my brothers all shouted “It’s Sans!”
  • @tomcurl8034
    I’d argue that Andreas isn’t the villain of Amphibia, and that the core is the true villain because the core manipulated Andreas into doing stuff he didn’t truly want to do, and eventually he stood up for himself, and did the right thing, and found redemption, while the core was destroyed for its evil
  • @alexchord5689
    I think there is a little bias but I would agree on the order. Belos had an even more profound affect on Luz as she thought Philip would be the one to save her, without knowing he would wound up as Emperor Belos.