Cults in Online Games


コメント (21)
  • @Redlyne_
    This was the "shorter, tangentially related video that shouldn't take stupidly long to make" I referenced in the last video. Been a rough couple months, so sorry it took so long. More soon.
  • cults in video games? yeah, i know a cult. Ever heard of Team Fortress 2? The fanatics in that game prays for months on end to get updates, and sometimes their deity responds and gives an update to the game.
  • @Zappr
    babe wake up, new redlyne video (I am alone)
  • I legit met Nexialist years ago on Worlds. He was really cool and tried to do the creepy stuff, but I wasn't into it and asked him if he knew any cool rooms on Worlds. I guess I passed his vibe check and he spent the next 2-3 hours showing me all his favorite rooms, a few secret rooms, and some really neat historical stuff on the site. He said he was happy to see someone interested in the game and its old community - he even showed me the Worlds 9/11 memorial. He was a cool, normal guy and an excellent guide.
  • Silver Sisterhood sounds less of an cult, and more like its a group of hardcore LARPERs...
  • That minecraft mod is wild. I sincerely wonder what could get done if that amount of money was devoted to an actual passion project mod instead of a shitty cult recruitment tool
  • 'Full worlds dedicated to David Bowie', only to flash a picture of Tilda Swinton on screen, cracked me up xD
  • Cults and VRchat go hand in hand. There was this furry dude I met in a world who tried to talk me into joining his discord server. I got curious and checked it out and there was "spirtual advice" channels, and the leader called themselves "Alpha" and told others to refer to him as that as well. Every member practically worshipped him and one member told me he lost a lifetime friend because they told him to stop hanging out with the "alpha" because he was bad news...and this was only ONE of the weird vrchat "cults" I ran into.
  • "Along with a chatbox that allows you to do some crazy chat." I don't know why but this line's delivery killed me lmao
  • I'm going to be honest "homophobic forced transitioning" was not on my cult bingo card
  • Kanye Quest in particular was always one of my favorite weird internet ARG mysteries since it took years to actually crack it and I had somehow managed to keep up with the mystery from the very beginning.
  • Its funny you use Yakuza footage in the Aum section, because it has an entire substory making fun of cults called "Munan Chohept Onast" in which huge groups of people gather together and chant "Shooreh Pippi". Eventually you find out the whole thing is basically just a front for the cult's leader to get with girls. The clothes are very similar to Aum wearing all white and the leader appears to be modeled after Shoko
  • For NightmareCraft, there's actually a pretty in-depth video about them by a Ferrel Mcguire, it's pretty good. What freaked me out though was uhhhh, I accidentally joined their Discord server back in the day. I've been working on a personal modpack for a couple years and I was briefly intrigued by their gun mod, joined to ask questions about how it worked, ended up dropping the mod and forgot to leave. Since I was there already I thought I'd do some sleuthing, and what's strange is I can't really figure out what they're using the mod for. My best guess right now is that it's an ego project for the Divines and those other two members Alex and Lau. Alex was in a lot of other Minecraft-related Discord servers I'm in, they're very active within the NightmareCraft community, and I personally couldn't find any evidence that they're using NightmareCraft as a recruitment tool, unless they're secretly DM'ing people on Discord and no one's raised a fuss about it yet. I will say however that it seems like some or many of the builders they've recruited for the mod from other servers are unpaid, uncredited, or both. I found messages from one in their server's voice channel saying that they were tired of working for Divine Gaming when they don't even have credits in the mod, and that they might leave soon. Unfortunately you could only see one half of the conversation since the other person was likely on a mic as this team member responded in text. Reminds me of what Chucklefish did with Starbound, using mainly unpaid interns to make their game. So it might not be indoctrinating people into a cult (yet), but there definitely could be some scummy stuff happening behind the scenes. We probably wouldn't know unless one of those uncredited NMC Team builders comes out and spills the beans though.
  • For Alissa Afton - there’s a video called Exposing a VR Cult with tons of stuff on it, a guy basically infiltrated and blew up her Discord server
  • The Silver Sisterhood basically just created their own IRL RP server.
  • @lofi9586
    as someone who has played vrchat before, if you’re looking into “cult-like” things on there, you should investigate the ‘vrchat families’. i always thought they were really weird so i can’t give any personal experience with em, but i genuinely do think they’re worth a deeper dive into
  • about the silver sisterhood, i know that there's some creepy stuff about them having neo-nazi magazines around their compound (which was, incidentally, used as the headquarters for a commune of practitioners of primal scream therapy before the sisterhood moved in) and that one of their members was an english woman called named miss martindale who later founded a splinter group or something called Aristasia. Aristasia has a bunch of websites still up and I remember like last year when I was looking into them they even had screenshots of a second life server, although I can't remember where it was posted, but you can find links to the other stuff under Miss Martindale's wikipedia article
  • I love the Nexialist cosplayer at 7:17 , bro's just hanging out being a cute silly little fella.
  • @snood3948
    "Silver Sisterhood Vtuber" -- Somebody has got to spill the details on that one, wild if true.