Who Is JD Vance? Why Trump Nominated Him for VP | WSJ

Ohio Sen. JD Vance is now on the 2024 ballot as former President Donald Trump's running mate and vice president pick. The best-selling author of “Hillbilly Elegy” and a former Never Trumper in 2016, Vance has had a meteoric rise in the Republican Party.

WSJ's Molly Ball breaks down how Vance got the nomination, and what it means for the future of the GOP.

0:00 Trump’s running mate
0:39 From Never Trumper to supporter
2:48 What Vance brings as VP
4:28 What this means for voters
5:38 The future of MAGA

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#Trump #Vance #WSJ

コメント (21)
  • You guys were quick, he literally announced a minute ago, how long was this in the draft
  • @sezza271
    "Yeah he said some bad things about me, but that was before he knew me and then he fell in love." - 🤣👏
  • 😂😂😂😂 so his last VP loved him and now hates him. His new VP choice hated him and now loves him.? Its so messy 😂😂
  • @protomon
    They had a video ready for every single possibility.
  • @sjv9147s
    Vance sounds like the exact opposite of Pence. The latter was full of support of Trump at the start. Vance in opposition to Trump at the beginning.
  • This is how it was when I met Trump backstage at a studio many many years ago. The man was loud and talked to the whole room and said some ignorant sounding stuff but underneath the bluster his policies are spot on. I met him when I was 17 years old and he spoke to me briefly and asked me what I had in mind for my future and gave me advice and talked to me with respect. I will never forget that. This is likely how Vance's interaction went. He looked past the attitude and saw the policies. Wish everyone else could.
  • He is the brother of Bob Vance, Vance refrigeration😂
  • Oh my the VP debate is going to be so enjoyable, LOL.
  • I am a real hillbilly. Born in the hills of Appalachia. Hillbillies can have an incorruptible nature to the them that doesn't follow the ways of the rich. Like how the Beverly Hillbillies stayed the same in Beverly Hills.
  • The fact that Vance was a ‘never Trump’ and is now ‘converted’ actually works in Trumps favour, highlights a larger population who have ‘converted’
  • All these feels like a cooked up propaganda for Trump, but anyways stock is rising and Crypto seems to be good too best time one could ride in. I've always wanted to put $300K into the stock market but i need an approach that will align with my risk tolerance and financial goals to secure our future..
  • I dont know why people say Trump struggled with the minority vote. I live in SS California, and every black or brown neighbor and coworker voted Trump in 2020.
  • J.D Vance although once against Trump, soon realized the unfathomable support he had received. Realizing his mistake decided to side with him. For this was the only way to take his political career to the next level. It's all politics.
  • Vance’s Wife is Indian-origin, Usha Chilukuri Vance. Since you’re all so focused on Ethnicity, weirdo’s.
  • “White working class vote” ? How about just the working class vote?
  • I'm just turning this on now, but I swear if you guys bad mouth j.d. vance, you have no class.