- New Year Updates 02. - Mustang Makeover 2024 Edition -

--- C R E D I T S ---

- Rider Base : @Mythtopianpegasus -
- Bgs : @alfie6569 -
- Thumb: @alfie6569 -
- Creamsicle: @viixlet -
- Trix (on thumb) : @fireflycloude -
- All tack in the update : @SALLYSALLOO -
- Code : @alfie6569 -
- Tack/Horses in intro - @Jumping-Rodeo @ghostsonqs @pooshcthecoder @BehindTheBit @alfie6569 @CloudyEcho
-Water bottle: @ghostsonqs

--- E X T R A ---

- T A C K - As you can see we've some brand new dashing tack today! This has been very very kindly provided by @SALLYSALLOO from her tack shop called, \-V-/.
She's very kindly decided to sponser us, so if you could please, please check it out! ^^ Thx xox - alfie

- S E A S O N S C H A N G I N G -

- Yes, we've swapped from Christmas to new year earlier than I'd have like because I still think its Christmas but oh well :') I thought we needed a change sooo.. -