Crowstar : Warriors : New Generation

Published 2015-08-17
--C H A R A C T E R B I O--
Name- Crowstar
Clan- Thunderclan
Rank- Leader
Gender- Female
S.O.- Heterosexual
Mate- N/A
Kits- N/A

Personality- Strict; wants things to be done properly (or done her way), Control-freak, Loyal, Short-tempered, Kind, socially-awkward

Likes: Hard work, focus, determination, getting her way
Dislikes: Humor (lol), Slackers, Messes
History- As a kit, Crowstar grew up in a not-so-friendly atmosphere. Her family did not pay much attention to her, which meant she had to figure out a lot for herself. Through growing up, she decided that optimism doesn't get anyone anywhere. She spent a lot of time alone, which has made her socially-awkward, but she is a natural-born leader, and she knows how to protect and guide her clan.

Other- Due to an injury while training, one of Crowstar's legs are missing, and a large scar lies on her upper left leg.