❀ Inspirational Quotes ❀

Published 2015-10-03
❀ Dear people of the world ❀
Each and every one of you are AMAZING! You are all capable of things that you probably don't even know about yet!! You are so unique and special...and believe me, that there will never be a time that you will be alone. God will NEVER leave your side, even when it seems that you've been abandoned by everyone and everything. <3

❀ Inspirational Quotes ❀
Everyone needs inspiration, love and encouragement. Don't deny it. Never say that you don't get hurt. Cause everyone does. It's normal. Everyone goes through bad times and better ones :) I personally have struggled a lot with like self-confidence, my appearance, etc. But just know that you are BEAUTIFUL no matter what you look like. All that matters is what's on the inside.
I made this project, cause I felt that I wanted to do something to encourage the world. :) Even if it's just a few people. I hope that these very few (7) quotes inspire and encourage you <3 You are gorgeous.

Hey guys, so you're probably wondering what's going on in my world right now. Welp, as the school year does to everyone, it has busied my schedule, therefore I have a lot less time for scratch! :( Sorry...just don't expect projects from me often.

~ Song | Begin Again - The Piano Guys (seriously, listen to any of The Piano Guys' songs...and you will be inspired)
~ All art done by me
~Quotes - Google Images, my brain...
~ A very special goodbye to @ClareBear202 <3

- 100% of the art was done by me, and the designs came from my brain...if you would like to use it you, I ask that you give credit :)
- I was actually originally planning to have 25 pieces of art in here...yeah...that didn't happen. It was just taking too much time of my life, and so yeah...I just really didn't have the time, nor the energy. Sorry!
-You may have already seen my first piece, which was my entry to @The_Icecream_Girl's "InspirARTion" contest.
- Hoping to make a part 2 sometime :)

❀ Well that took a while...SORRY!
If you read all this incredibly long shtuff, KUDOS TO YOU! :)

❀ You're all amazing <3