Epic Shield

Publicado 2015-05-05
I had the idea to change the graphics of @griffpatch's Epic Ninja game a while ago.
I was truly inspired to make this while playing @GroundyandSkyah's remix of @JamesOuO's Sir Shield:
I thought to myself: "Wouldn't it be cool if you could play as Sir Shield and beat off hordes of enemy knights?"
So I challenged myself to use @JamesOuO's graphics and tilesets in @griffpatch's Epic Ninja game. I'd say it turned out pretty well.
I replaced most of the costumes with altered versions of @JamesOuO's graphics.
So, credit goes to:
1. @griffpatch, for making the original game and laying down the programming that is used here.
2. @JamesOuO, for the original costumes in his Sir Shield game.
3. @GroundyandSkyah, for inspiring me to make this project.
4. Myself, for putting in a little bit of time (~8 hours) switching in and altering all the costumes and adding a special ending for those of you who collect all 33 gems. ;-)

PS: If this game is too easy for you, try the Pacifism Challenge: Collect all 33 fruits as fast as you can without dying. The catch is that you cannot hit any knights except the big red boss knights. Good luck! If you collect all 33 fruits, a timer will appear showing your time, from the moment you gain control at the beginning. My best is 416.509, or just a little under 7 minutes.