Music Player (vaporwave)

Publicado 2017-08-21
Variable states and broadcasts are used to create states which trigger events such as playing, skipping etc. Loops will check the state of some variables and pursue a course of action accordingly. Variables have been tuned such that the program waits for an action to finish to prevent bugs (e.g. in an earlier build skipping too quickly would remove some tracks).
Skipping works through two array lists.
The nowplaying sprite is used as a "main class", essentially.
The time variable is a string created through joining 3 integers from 0-9 that increment accordingly. If it equals the tracktime, it triggers a skipf broadcast.

Ed Harrison - Reboot [Intro]
Blank Banshee - Eco Zones
Hong Kong Express - Hong Kong 2046
S U R F I N G - Lifetime
Iacon - 性的 D A W N
Blank Body - Endless Sephora
Saint Pepsi - tell me