Contra Demake (Version .73 fixed) Updated 2/11/23


I really thought version .51 would be the last major version, but somehow I managed to scrape out every last token and add a few new features! That said, this WILL be the last major version, though I will still support the game post release.

Contra version .73 (fixed)

The latest Pico-8 update evidently changed the way the (--[[) switch works, breaking the game! XD
This is fixed.

Contra version .73

Contra version .72

Contra version .70

Contra version .68

Contra version .63

Contra version .62

Contra version .61

Contra version .60

Contra version .51

Contra version .50

Contra version .30

Contra version .25

Contra Version .22

Contra version .2

Tweaked the machine gun sound to give a more "auto-fire" feel to it.

fixed underwater behavior so that your gun Actually won't fire. Somehow I missed that the feature was broken
all this time...

Changed the behavior of the continue cursor. Now it will only make a sound if you switch to the other option

More sprite edits by ReeceGames.

Machine gun sprites changed to better set it apart from the Pea shooter

Boss bullets will now fall straight to the ground, making him a little more difficult.

Turrets were completely rewritten, and can now track you in all 8 directions. They are still quick, but they have a limited range of motion...

Fire Weapon fully implemented! It's not the greatest for crowd control, but it is highly effective against

Soldier drones have been reworked. Only 3 drones can spawn at a time now (usually), they run a little slower, and any drone that goes for a dip will instantly drown...

Another pass on map and object graphics to improve detail and readability.

Tweaks to sound effects playback to reduce clobbering

New explosion sound for turrets, shutters and cannons to help them stand out a little more and make blowing them up
just a little more satisfying.

Turrets have been added. They have pretty good servos, so don't think you can slip past them so
easily. A healthy dose of gunfire ought to short their circuits.