Crazy Samurai Musashi


I updated most of the visuals of Crazy Samurai Musashi and you now have an additional heart/life. Love is in the air. And blood. Here's what else is new:

A.k.a. Miyamoto Musashi versus 400 Yoshioka swordsmen. This is a tiny game I made after watching the movie of the same name.

You are Miyamoto Musashi and you have to duel 12 year old Yoshioka Matashichiro. Since he is only 12 years old you don't really have to fight him but you did. History said so. So here are 399 more of Yoshioka's swordsmen who all want you dead. Try to defeat them all! I don't think it's possible.

Attack upper stance swordsmen with a low attack and lower stance swordsmen with a high attack. Good luck.

I also added a little achievement system (I call it pawchievement xD ). Press the down arrow key in the title screen to check achievements.