piCOLUMNS 1.02


Here's my demake/port/adaptation/whatever of Columns!

I wanted to make a falling-block puzzle game, but seemingly every gamedev and their dog has made Tetris so instead I went to my favourite Megadrive/Genesis puzzle game: Columns.


Old versions/development:



0.9 changes/additions

Known issues

It is with disappointment, but also relief that I've kicked two player mode into 'stretch' (i.e. not likely-to-see-the-light-of-day) goals. It would be a ridiculous amount of work to include, and probably rarely ever get used. My goal to create a two-player game still seems far off.

The goal now is to iron out bugs and hopefully add some more polish (i.e. particles) before going 1.0.

I love the idea of having fragments of gems along with the current particles but it might get a bit too busy. Particles are like seasoning in cooking.

0.5 changes/additions

0.4 changes/additions

0.3 changes/additions

0.21 changes/additions

0.2 changes/additions

Here's my demake/adaptation/whatever of Columns.

I wanted to make a falling-block puzzle game, but seemingly every gamedev and their dog has made Tetris so I went to my favourite Megadrive/Genesis puzzle game: Columns.

I realised afterwards that Columns probably has much more complex rules than Tetris. Oh well. :)

There's a list of things I want to add on the game over screen. v0.1 represents about three days/sessions of work. It's basically playable at this point so I thought I'd put it on here as a WIP to hopefully keep me motivated to get it finished.

So it's playable, and being that Columns is a great game, it's already pretty fun. :)