

P.Craft is a crafting game. You wake up on a deserted island, and you have to survive. Gather materials and build your tools. Explore the area and find a cave. Will you find a way to escape the island ?

Update : A new version, P.Craft Deluxe Edition has been released on Itch.io :

With a saving system, a boss and a few new items to discover.
This new version use the multicartridge system in a complex way that is not yet compatible with the BBS, so I can't upload it here. You can however find the source .p8 files on the Itch.io page as well as binaries for windows, linux and mac.

Controls :
Button 1 (C/Z/N) : open inventory / cancel menu
Button 2 (V/X/M) : use equiped item / valid menu

The game is heavily inspired by Notch's Ludum Dare entry "Minicraft" witch seemed a perfect idea for pico 8

Quick start if needed :

Old version :