
Publicado 2023-06-12

Controls: Arrow keys to move. Hold X to pull blocks.

Where do all those tetrominoes come from? From the Tetrafabrika, of course!

Build tetrominoes as fast as possible in this manic arcade Sokoban-like.

This is my entry to Lowrezjam 2023--where you make a game at 64x64 resolution or lower.

Pushing was horrendously broken in many different ways
You can no longer shove blocks through walls
You can no longer move blocks several spaces away
You can no longer push diagonal-adjacent blocks
Added a current block display in the upper half of the map
Darkened the floor and added a highlight onto the block target tiles
You can only pull one step at a time now
The timer is less stupid and won't allow games to carry on indefinitely (well maybe only if you're incredibly fast)
Max time decreases properly now
Pull bonus is reset properly now
Slight adjustment to title graphic on score screen
There's still an occasional bug where blocks end up on top of each other. Like most things, I think this has something to do with pulling blocks.