Frogs Can't Swim 2.0


⬅️⬆️⬇️➡️ Face direction
🅾️ Hop forward

As a tiny, little frog, find the exit to each level by hopping on and over lily pads to reveal directional clues to the exit, and eventually the exit itself. Avoid speeding cars, irritating bees, wiggly snakes, and falling into water (since you can't swim) to reach the exit before the timer runs out! How many levels can you complete? (*Except in 'Not Frogger' Mode, you need to land on all the flowered lily pads at the top of the screen to complete the level)

This is my first Pico-8 game, and game in general. The lily pad, sewer covers, arrow clues, and exit locations are mostly randomized each level. Reaching a new level adds 10 seconds to the timer. I imagined this to be a fast-paced game where the player is constantly moving while waiting for clues to be revealed.
The plan was to make a clone of that one classic frog game, but it morphed into this. As you can see, graphic design is my passion /s. Everything was challenging since I'm pretty new to coding, pixel art, and sfx. I learned a lot through Lazy Devs Academy's SHMUP tutorial and hope to make more stuff.

Thank you to @gruber_music, because I used their songs "Ice" from Pico-8 Tunes Volume 1, and "Morning Shower" from Pico-8 Tunes Volume 2. Thank you to the Pico-8 community members for their feedback and suggestions.


-Added permanent Timer at bottom of map, which removes bottom roll of lily pads and logs as possible exit.
-Added High Score feature.
-Increased initial Timer, and increased Bonus level time rewards.