UFO: Blackstorm shield

Published 2015-07-07

You pilot an alien ship with the ability to absorb enemy bullets and turn them into energy, which you then use for shooting and powering several buildings at your disposal.

Research alien technology to build 12 different facilities and protect the city.

SPACE: shoot
UP: take energy from a building
DOWN: give energy to a building

Super awesome tips from the Developer:

-Losing is OK, when you lose you keep your money and can build a stronger city.
-If you run out of bullets: steal energy from the shields! (up)
-If a shield runs out of energy: transfer energy to it! (down)

Version 1.4:
-substantially reduced overall difficulty
-improved lab research

Version 1.3:
-boss scourge spawn rate reduced a lot
-boss main weapon rate of fire reduced
-player basic weapon fire rate increased
-lab upgrade#3 gives 12 research

Version 1.2:
-boss EMP wave does not affect batteries anymore
-boss HP reduced by 33%
-boss scourge spawn rate reduced
-boss spawn hangars HP reduced
-updated weapons descriptions