Momocheets Cupcake Bakery

Published 2010-03-09

This is my first submission to NG, and what I count as my first flash game from the bottom up in terms of design and artwork and effort. So please keep that in mind. :)

The characters and artwork are all of my creation, for my company BeKyoot. I wanted to create a fun game that you could do a lot with in terms of the dress-up options and elements. I did the artwork in Illustrator and then imported each piece into Flash(8). I'm sure there's a better method but I'm more comfortable with Illustrator's drawing tools.
Note: I noticed the window isn't working correctly on NG as it does on my comp or elsewhere...I removed the file so I could fix it. :(

I didn't have any better way to credit the music loop I used because that's all the information there was on Flashkit, so if anyone knows a better credit or how to find better credits for the loop then please let me know! :)

I hope I added the NG Pre-loader correctly... >.<;; It LOOKS like it works so...XD

Ummm...I think that's about it! *^__^* I appreciate any notes or comments or suggestions you'd like to leave! :D I'd love to see the cupcakes people make too! :)

Momocheet and all artwork © 2005-2010 C. Sanderson and BeKyoot Inc.

Edit: I fixed the weird problem with the clipping on the stage window. Sorry about that! xD