Tower Of Death

Publicado 2022-05-17

iu_638876_6728550.pngCongratulations - You have recently died!

Probably not the first thing you want to hear waking up in the underworld, but hey, it's the truth.

But what if someone told you that you could escape the underworld by killing Death himself?

Fight through the underworld through waves of demons and five bosses in this bullet-hell twin-stick shooter!

You'll be going up against:

The Deathkin: Those who wander The Graveyard in hope that they will one day usurp Death.

Calurad: Vampiric emperor who rules over his manor.

Beelzebub: The one who sits upon his molten throne in The Depths of The Underworld

...And Death himself.


Made in 8 days for the Bullet Hell Jam 2022:

The theme for the jam is "Confined", and in this game you are "confined" to what areas you can get to (because you are literally just a skull). Other ideas of the theme are also incorporated, such as the Deathkin boss confining you to one area.

Art, Sound Effects, Music and Coding by Pedroleum



Mouse - Aim

Left Click - Shoot

Right Click - Throw Hand