Latino Comics Expo Animation


So I got the opportunity to make an animated promo for the Latino Comics Expo - LCX in Long Beach! They will be celebrating over 10 years of showcasing Latino artists. So in the animation, my goal was to show off some of the past exhibitors the convention has had over the 10 years. But keep in mind it's only a DROP of how many artists they have had, and although I couldn't feature EVERYONE in this small time frame, I tried to pull from many different years and as varied as possible.

Also a huge shout out to Alexis Estrada (ALESDA!) @alexizgd who created the music and allowed me permission to use it in the cartoon. It was a huge component to making the cartoon flow and explode in all its Latino glory! Seriously his music is BOMB and If you liked it, show him some support on his sound cloud and his Newgrounds account too! AleXizGD (

Anyways, The Latino Comics Expo just debuted the animation today on their Facebook, so I think it's okay to post it online now. They have some tables left so email them if you want an application and show art/comics in Long Beach at MOLAA. It's this April 30 and May 1st. Check it out and I will be there in Long Beach too with a table showing off new art prints and swag!