19 dollar fortnite card pixel


ok, 19 fortnite card, who wants it? and yes,im ,giving ,it ,away. remember: share, share ,sHAre. and trolls, DONT GET BLOCKED!!

this animation was made with the help of the pico cad engine although it was a really hard thing to accomplish since i found no YouTube tutorials on it [1]

it was based off of this video i saw a while back which mixes a cover of sudden changes bullet hell [2] by xylialt/ xylium

and a mix of mrbloku from tick tock's fortnite card video made by teedeegee[3]

3 he never seemed to have finished it by the looks of his description so im not sure how people got a longer version

2 I could not for the love of god find a link to the original song which xylialt covers. everytime i had a lead, it left me to a dead end, it someone knows more info about the song please dm me so i can credit properly

1 the way i got this effect of 2 sides in one plane in pico cad

  • place 2 planes back to back with a space of one between each other.
  • face the front side of either and add the mask to that side
  • then rotate both so that your facing the front of the other one and again put the mask on that one.
  • position them in their final place still making sure to leave a 1 space gap between them
  • right click on a face and click face props>click off dbl-sided, do these for both of them
  • then select one whole plane stick it to the other so that there is no gap between them
  • export the gif

this process allows you to create plane with 2 side and no space between them, and without it spazing out like this

flashing light ahead

flashing light ahead

flashing light ahead

flashing light ahead


ill make a tutorial later on

anyways, this was too much work for a shitpost