The Townsfolk Cartel


The adventurers are in town, killing monsters in the local dungeon and dragging their ill-gotten treasure back into your small village. With all that ready cash, do those muscleheads really think they’re only going to pay a measly 5 gp to stay at the inn, or a mere 100 gp for a new sword? HELL NO!

In this simple and quick idle game, recruit new fighters, upgrade your town’s businesses, and soak those miserly mercenaries for all they’re worth! While you’re at it, use that money to buy up all the industries and resources in the area, until you achieve a monopoly, the ultimate “cartel” and win the game. Just don’t gouge too deeply and quickly – dead adventurers don’t spend much…

If you save your game and return, you’ll collect money for every full hour you’re gone; you can increase this amount with certain upgrades.

This is my first (and possibly only) idle game. The game basically simulates a group of adventurers fighting, collecting loot, and buying town services, along with all the cliché RPG mechanics (such as die rolls to determine damage and treasure). I’m not sure how much of an explanation all the game elements need; for now I’ve kept the instructions and notes simple. As for the thin frame story: when I make games, I need some kind of plotline.

UPDATE: 20150114. Thanks for playing this and adding reviews; this is the first time any of my games was listed as "Popular" in the Game Portal. As suggested, I added more audio tracks to the main game loop. Enjoy!