

This was my senior thesis animation that I finished in December.

Artist Statement:
I believe that the food we eat and our eating habits affect our behaviors and states of mind at very basic levels. Our behaviors influence our eating habits in turn, resulting in a vicious cycle. Much of our food is becoming increasingly processed, modified, and engineered. Over-indulgence of this packaged and processed nourishment often contributes to filthy lifestyles and consumption of unhealthy foods beyond moderation for the sake of pleasure. This habitual self-destruction often continues to the point of becoming the norm, and then we are not only consumers of our microwave culture, but products of it as well.
This work depicts these messy and gluttonous tendencies in an exaggerated and fantastic manner. It also examines and plays with this idea of how humans continue to change with our shifting habits and processes pertaining to our food, becoming a product of fast food culture.