Chinese New Year 2008


Chinese New Year 2008 - for China and everyone!
This flash is dedicated to all Chinese and everyone who celebrates the Chinese New Year!

This flash is about a girl, Asian - European, who is in the new years mood. Everyone is kind to her, and she is kind to everyone as well! May all of you be blessed with hapiness and luck!

Music: Gongxi Gongxi Gongxi Ni
Animations by Kenzu Milagro

The young girl walks and recieves plenty of gifts from different people, but she is such a kind girl that she shares it with others. She recieves a tanghulu from an old seller, a newspaper with good news from a newpaper seller, a bouquet of flowers from a young lady, two feathers from a rooster, a box of good luck from the people preparing the celebrations, a Chinese flag from a communist party member and a wooden mala from a buddhist monk. Both Socialism and Buddhism teach people to help each other.

-Drawn with a mouse.
-Three people helped me translating the lyrics of this song into English.
-The plan was to show Beijing (Peking), later I considered Shanghai, and the buddhist temple you saw in the movie is located in Shanghai, but in the end I decided to leave it as a noname town, not showing typical structures of any of these two cities.
-The writing on the box the girl carries is "luck" in Chinese. (The girl brings a full box of good luck home).
-The parents are Chinese and Russian, and the items on the wooden furniture express the friendship of these two nations. It is possible to see two diplomats shaking hands under the flags of China and Russia.
-The title of the movies was to be "GongXi Ni 2008", but 3 days before the release it has been changed to "Chinese New Year 2008".

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