Will It Blend? - iPhone 4

Published 2024-08-06
This is an IN-SYNC version of Tom Dickson getting in trouble by blending the "lost" iPhone 4. Go to blendtec.com for the "Blend My Phone" contest to try to win a new iPhone 4 AND have Tom pay for your 2-year contract and blend your old phone on a future Will it Blend episode.

Tell us what to blend next here: http://www.facebook.com/willitblend

Check out the blender you see in this video: http://bit.ly/NFtL2l

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Will it Blend iPhone 4 now IN SYNC.

*The WildSide jar is no longer available for purchase. Please check out our new and improved WildSide+ jar: http://www.blendtec.com/jars/wildside-jar