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Danit Friedman

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About Danit Friedman

Wish To Inspire As Many People As I Can - Before & After Sleep
Spreading ideas, and not pushing a specific belief

Go Expand Your Horizon With:
-- Botanical Dimensions, Kathleen Harrison, Dennis McKenna, Lorenzo
-- Marshall Rosenberg (Nonviolent Communication)
-- Drunvalo Melchizedek(Flower of Life)
-- Riane Eisler
-- Alan Watts, Ram Dass
-- Rudolf Steiner
See the links I provided here below

The channel Is Completely Ad-Free
-- Please support the channel With - Buy Me A Coffee
or Paypal Me

All Thumbnails/Arts On This Channel Are Created By Danit
Check Out My Art Gallery:

The Black Screen with Nature Sounds concept started when I used to hear a lot of Alan Watts before bed and wanted to have more relaxing lecture videos for going to sleep.


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