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Madison Tea

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Información sobre Madison Tea

My name is Madison but my friends call me Madi. I usually just wander around and defeat bad guys.
My best friend is Jason the hedgehog. We have been friends since we were kids.

As a kid:
I was a normal girl and I had a normal life until dr. Eggman kidnapped me and took me away from my family. He would do experiments on me which is what causes me to get my power. Later I’m able to escape but I can’t find my family so I lived on my own. But when Eggman found out he would send robots out to hunt me down.

I have bigger issues now that I’m older. I’m still very good friends w/ Jason and we grew close. My other two friends are Eddie and shard. We would work together and fight off these evil beings called dark orbs. One of them took the form of me and a new enemy was created. Her name was dark Madison!

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