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Just so everyone knows this is a pro LGBTQIA+ channel. I support marginalized people and try not to be political at all, even when it’s hard but I won’t abide by hate of any kind! I started out collecting reborn dolls and quickly decided I was more of a reborn mommy than a reborn collector. My room got so overfilled with reborn baby dolls and a few toddler reborns as well. I needed to Branch out and I love all kinds of dolls so I've searched different kinds and decided I wanted to expand into bjd dolls. I got one and she's beautiful! She was also very expensive! Now I'm on a journey with Barbies and other fashion dolls and who knows what else. I had a health scare and now starting my life completely over living a more healthy lifestyle embracing my hobbies and being the crazy grandma that I am. I hope you enjoy my channel as I enjoy making these videos so much, and enjoy my hobbies so much! Catch me on instagram @shelley1215s1114a or email me @ [email protected]

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