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Mike T

2 subscribers

About Mike T

The Stalinist tyranny came to the United States disguised as democracy. Only tyrants and despots fear an armed population. Hitler criminalized the ownership of firearms as soon as he came to power, Stalin did the same thing, Mao did the same thing, Pol Pot of Cambodia did the same thing. Tyrants fear an armed people and they use "fighting gun violence" as a cover to disarm the nation as if criminalizing firearms will eradicate violence. Brazil criminalized firearms and gun murders skyrocketed, Honduras criminalized firearms and now it has the highest gun homicide on the face of this planet and literally every nation in Central and South America criminalized firearms with one single exception: Argentina where you can buy and own any kind of firearms and firearm-related murders are unheard of. Sure they have a certain degree of crime but not homicides with firearms. Most of the crimes in Argentina are thefts in the subway where they open your purse and clean you out of cash.

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