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Phat Beetz Gaming

637 subscribers

About Phat Beetz Gaming

Generally a family-friendly channel that offers evergreen gaming content from a nerd/parent/engineer
in the form of guides, livestreams, and reviews of mostly indie games.

I strive to provide fun, helpful, quality content centered around fairly complex games that tend to have a rather steep learning curve.

However, if a game strikes me as one that would bring joy, inspiration, or entertainment to my audience, I will create content around it.

To that end, the name of this channel encapsulates that idea because:
1. It makes my kids laugh.
2. The literal definition:

Phat: Cool (the second definition in Urban Dictionary)

Beetz: A homophone for a dramatic "beat" so that I could use a vegetable for branding as well (and I love cooking).
A. Beet - A plant used for food both for people and animals as well as for processing into sugar.
B. Beat - The moment at which dramatic tension forces a significant change in awareness to one or more characters in a play.

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