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Nurse Channie

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Nurse Channieの説明

Chandra A. Dodson, MS, RN
Founder The Know It All Nurse, LLC

About Me:
I am a nurse, mother of 2, blogger, & lover of all things travel.

When I am not doing all of the above might find me at a hospital catching a baby, helping new moms, or teaching future nurses.

I am a registered nurse with 15 years experience as a maternal/child nurse. I love pregnant moms and babies!!

I also love investing in my health and wellness. I workout several times a week, and focus on being mindful about living a healthy active lifestyle.

You might also see beauty, travel, and lifestyle topics here on my channel.

I hope you enjoy your time here.
Connect with me on socials:

FB: Chandra D. Angela
IG: @iamnursechannie
Snap: ms_channie
Email: [email protected]

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