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UKVeterans Gaming

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Información sobre UKVeterans Gaming

UK Veterans Is a battalion consisting of primarily Ex-Members of Her Majesty's Armed Forces, but our doors are always open to Veterans and Like-Minded players with no military background who enjoy military based games and Simulations from all over the world we have veterans from THE USA, Canadian and Scandinavian and other European Armed Forces.

We are currently Active in:
1. Armoured Warfare where we play PVP, GLOPS, PVE, Heroic, and about to restart our endeavors in Ranked Battles.
2. DCS World including Combined Arms
3. World of Warplanes

And various other games.

If you are interested please contact one of the following in Discord

@Tom Eagles / Howzzat Tom
@TimMardon Tim
@mad midget/Micky MIcky
@LeotankerRCD Jim

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