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238 subscribers

About [Blank]

Current age, 20
I am currently practicing my attention span with the desire to have my ideal lifestyle that creates the most memories and meaningful life story in relation to the things that inspire me that initially grab said attention.
This channel is where I made videos for many years about my growing pains, active and passive, in the attempts to become my ideal self in a very natural pace.
Majority of the growing pains shown here were to do with my distractions, for I was never able to establish a genuine dream of my own to pursue, and just uploaded recordings and livestreams of me gaming.
The dreams that I thought for some time were the ones I was destined to fulfil were to do with art, game development, body building, and general content creation.
None of them worked out, for I did mot have a genuine connection with these ideas I added to my ego.
Having now burnt off majority of my ego, I look at these same things again, and notice that I seek something that truly matters to me.

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