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A Southern Belle's Journey

522 subscribers

About A Southern Belle's Journey

I am working on becoming a better me and decided that my journey may also help someone else. I have wanted to start a YouTube channel for years but feared falling on my face and looking like a fool. But I'm just going to go for it and hope that maybe something I do or say could help someone.

Just trying to share things I am doing to get healthier and reclaim my life. As I stated in at least one video I have had a very rough time of it the past several years starting with losing my dad. I have always been one to take care of everyone else, even as a child. And I think the stress and everything else finally got to me and left me completely exhausted. But I never stay down and I just wanted to share anything I am learning and doing as I find my way again. I have always been what I felt was expected of me. Now I am finding the me I want to be. Funny how getting older makes us look at everything and reevaluate our lives.

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