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Stock Educator

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Información sobre Stock Educator

After 30 years on Wall Street, I've had a chance to see what works and what doesn't. I've been a history buff, and studied markets back to 1901, and I've found that there are some universal truths to stocks/bonds/futures/funds/markets that I should rely on in my trading. Previously, I had to make investment decisions on behalf of *other people* involving millions of dollars, and it was important I had a grasp of what really moved the market (reversals, targets, relative strength, speed, etc.). Now I just trade for myself, and I usually make daily wrap-up videos that help me see what I did right, missed out on, and could do better. I've shared those with friends just learning, in hopes that it might benefit their trading (or that they'd want to partner as trading buddies). Now, I'm sharing these videos with whoever wants to see unique methods not found in other YouTube videos or in textbooks. Not kidding. All for a token fee, since I'm still a capitalist! 😃 My Gmail is StockEducator@

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