How to take apart a jeep in under 60 seconds

Published 2018-02-14
Damn this is impressive.

All Comments (13)
  • @ralfoide
    It's been obviously prepared with every single bolts already removed. The engine was not even connected to the radiator, nor to the exhaust, not even the fuel line (!), and simply resting on the frame. The front axle was held by merely 2 bolts that were not even screwed in, they just pull them out effortlessly.
  • @jcope3886
    Makes me wonder if my Grandfather and the guys in the motor pool used to see how fast they could strip and reassemble them back in Korea.
  • @shisuitv423
    When you leave your car parked in a random ass town in mexico
  • @Commentator541
    It's Jeep, they could've just left it alone and it would fall apart by itself if you give it 60 seconds hahahahah
  • @seepranavg
    and why how did this end up in lol