The Space Shuttle (Narrated by William Shatner)

Published 2011-07-05
An idea born in unsettled times becomes a feat of engineering excellence. The most complex machine ever built to bring humans to and from space and eventually construct the next stop on the road to space exploration.

All Comments (21)
  • @DerAdler82
    I'm 30 years old and if someone were to ask me which has been, symbolically, the icon of innovation and technology from my childhood to nowdays, for sure, my answer would be: The Space Shuttle program. No computer or internet stuff, could even barely get close to what extraordinary and unthinkable was achieved by the men and women who took part to this unique project. A milestone in the mankind history, which will hardly be equaled in the future by the generations to come. Proud to have lived it
  • @theejimmy1989
    I could watch videos like this all day. Hell, I'll even pay. This is way better than a cable package.
  • @rhobson
    DARE you to watch this without droping a single tear.
  • @Neptune997
    Beautifully done. RIP to STS Challenger and STS Columbia and all of their 14 astronauts.
  • @BoathouseShark
    I always find it amazing that people hate the Shuttle instead of hating the politicians that forced it on NASA. Few seem to understand that the choice was Shuttle or Nothing, not Shuttle or Something Else.
  • @saltwaterlou
    It was such an honor for me to have had an opportunity to work in the US Space Program in support of Shuttle and ISS!
  • @AverageArtz
    I was born in the middle of it. And I graduated High School one year before it's retirement. So far, the Space Shuttle program is the only one I've ever experienced. It's going to be fun to see what's next.
  • @MaltyT
    Remember staying up late into the morning to watch this live. It was totally worth every minute of it. Thanks so much for producing it NASA and allowing it to be freely watchable over here. Wish Atlantis a safe trip and thanks for such an exhilarating and exciting program. Please get back to manned exploration as soon as possible. In the meantime we still have the probes and those cute little rovers :-D
  • @BammerD
    A lot of good movie sound tracks in this... Thor, Star Trek: First Contact, Moonraker...
  • @CPT_Nelson
    As a sci-fi movie buff I found the music soundtrack distracting at times since it uses most of the music from movie I love! :) Great documentary, thx you!
  • @KD0IDB
    I remember this documentary came out around the time of STS-135. Watching the launch and landing of the final Space Shuttle changed me inside. I found myself inspired by the legacy of NASA more than I've ever been inspired by anything else in all my 27 years at that time. Over the last 2+ years I have pursued various engineering projects of my own which led me into a better career path. I moved away from the town I lived in since I was born, and I have found a career opportunity as a production engineer/ DOT compliance specialist. I still dream of working with a team of skilled individuals to accomplish goals in space flight. Each day I spend time actively seeking to improve upon my skills so as to effectively contribute to a team at that ideal career (whatever that career may be). If I have been inspired so greatly by the legacy of NASA, how much more can humanity benefit from inspiring our children in the same way? I want to thank every single team member who made possible the flights of NASA; your program has changed my life and maybe soon I can help change your's!
  • @mdriscoll19
    "Shuttle managers reluctantly decided to proceed with a late morning liftoff"??? Nice spin... amazing what happens when NASA is in charge of the narration copy. Thiokol was begging not to launch but was pressured into doing so by NASA's management. You can't rewrite history, guys.
  • @DavidSpector
    What a great documentary. I grew up watching the shuttle launches and was even able to see a launch in person. I cant wait until we go back into space with a new program.
  • @brianfoltz2841
    glad to find someone else who feels like I do, that the shuttle shouldn't have been retired. We should have upgraded it and worked on a 2nd generation shuttle for multipose missions.
    An impressive documentary full of great moments of the Shuttle program over the past three decades. I remember very well April,12 1981, when I was a 13-year-old boy and saw the maiden flight of Columbia on TV, but also I remember the moments in 1986 and 2003, when I heard about the loss of Challenger and Columbia and their crews. As a great fan of the program from the beginning, which has watched every flight, today I say THANK YOU NASA for this great program! Ronald from former East Germany
  • @cycotron
    I don't know how anyone can watch this without getting emotional.
  • @Chayraz2
    Space. The final frontier. These are voyages of the Space Shuttles. It's program: to build space stations, to rescue satellites, to boldly return from where no launch vehicle has returned before.
  • score card for the shuttle 400 satellites launched, 15 classified missions,Hubble launch to the stars,Shuttle MIR,John Glenn returns to space and the most important of all Space Station ISS gets built the shuttle has done a lot in 30 years. Long Live The Shuttle.
  • @mike16891921
    I have watched this so plenty of times and I think this is by far one of the best documentaries that shows what the shuttle is thanks for the upload 10/10
  • @zabidi59
    The best video about human engineering excellence space. "Whoever rules the space...rules the world".