Minecraft FIREE WTFFFFFFF!!!!!

Published 2010-09-18
Website: www.minecraftftw.com/
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Ok so what's going on here is me and diz where making this house and then he had to go so i took the time to make a quick video about what i thought would be a simple matter of just LIGHTING THE DAMN LOG!!!
But as you can clearly SEE the damn half stone caught fire and then burnt the bookcase and all hell broke lose in the house!!!
And it was a sweet f'ing house too.

All Comments (21)
  • @NoTime4name
    This is where it all started for a lot of people
  • @andrewserhan
    I find it ironic, the only thing not on fire (towards the end of the video) is the fireplace. 
  • @217Gnomes
    After 8 years and a half since this video, they're adding actual, proper fireplaces to Minecraft. This man can finally be put to rest.
  • @Big_Gulps_Huh
    MinecraftFTW, whatever you do: never delete this video! It's a classic, and was probably the final selling point that pushed many people into buying Minecraft, including me. Years from now, this video will be regarded as nostalgic. ;)
  • @Furahri
    Man, I had to come back to this video. I think this is the first Minecraft video I ever watched.
  • @Nukarot
    I miss the old fire mechanics. It would wreck everything in the blink of an eye! Very fun times. =P
  • @ultimape
    This video is single handedly responsible for directly selling 10 copies of minecraft that I bought for friends and family, and another ~30 through the gaming club I was part of in college. That sound at 1:37 is what got me.
  • @ryan_leach
    i had to come back to this video its just sooo iconic of minecraft...
  • @_GhostMiner
    Guy builds big wooden house Minecraft alpha fire: I'm about to end this man's whole career.
  • @CptVolkow
    I miss the old fire, I once burnt down a huge forest, my stone house was at a center of a inferno.
  • @deidara_8598
    I think the share realism and span of possibilities illustrated in this video is what grabbed a lot of people. A simple fire place leading to your house burning down isn't a level of depth you see in many games.
  • @undeadnightorc
    Would be cool if the world save was made available either on a server or downloadable. The spot where that house burned down would be a massive tourist spot for a lot of minecraft players. "OMG, this is where that house in that video burnt down!! Take a screenshot of me standing next to the remains!!"
  • @MrZer000
    and he was so proud, i almost feel bad for this guy xD
  • @othosos
    It's strange how this short video reminds me why that era of Minecraft was so special. Secret updates, everything being established, the fov makes you feel more immersed. I remember my all snow world and looking out at the creepers and skeletons in the night through my glass being so afraid of what is out there. A magic I won't recapture but am glad to remember.
  • @Xerious2025
    I don't want a fireplace in my house anymore.
  • @Mae-kh2uz
    Still the best Minecraft video ever made