How I Got Scammed and Lost $100,000

Published 2022-08-08

All Comments (21)
  • @RampagePoker
    Gotta respect the way you handled this situation, funny how me losing $1000 lead to the truth of a way bigger scam
  • @beryyjams
    can’t say i blame him for monetizing his loss of money
  • @SB737
    Grayson messed with the wrong guy when he scammed ludwig 😂
  • Ludwig, i feel like you really should be reporting this guy. Getting him banned from vegas doesn't stop him from doing this to someone who can't afford a 50k loss. He can go gamble out of state, or online. How do you know he won't just find another outlet to do this and eventually ruin someones life?
  • @parisye1337
    This story really solidified my respect for Ludwig. To be able to admit you were scammed, talk about it openly so others won’t be scammed, and change the SCAMMER’s life for the better in the process, is a testament to his character. He sets a great example
  • gambling is dogshit and i hope everyone keeps becoming aware of the dangers it has on anyone it touches and the people around them
  • @emoneydev8684
    Funny how lud can turn his worst experiences into content for us
  • @fatihhanc6776
    I can't imagine how hard it would be to decide to take a re-coveryagent role of an scammed persons. The history needs to be remembered though and the help that was born through such pain and suffering. Mad respect to these brian hacks online that take on these role to help traumatized victims all over the world.
  • @terakahn
    I'm glad he told the whole story. I hope it has a better ending than it stands right now. I've heard Ludwig talk about his gambling addiction in the past so when I heard he gambled 40k I was really worried about him. The fact he was ok with losing 50k is kind of crazy though.
  • @TBH_Inc
    I remember him telling chat about this guy when he got back from Vegas. We were all trying to tell him it was a scam but oh well, at least Lud can take the loss, and is willing to admit he was scammed.
  • @bt4582
    So good that you were open and talked about this!!! So many scammers use shame to help get away with it. Also liked how you were merciful. will be very interested to hear if he stops scamming others...unfortunately don't think he will be able to stop but hope so!
  • @atlantisaubry9278
    I lost $2000 a few days ago from a scam because I thought I was going to get more money. I feel stupid. So this video kind of helps. I’m still grieving, but I’ll be fine. 😓
  • @WhoIsJoeM
    This is why I like Ludwig, he's tanking his $100,000 loss and giving Grayson a chance to have a fresh start on his life, when most people would want revenge. Mad respect.
  • @Mi-Go
    I remember him telling us about this guy on stream, wasn't expecting him to actually be a scammer cause he seemed so chill and normal.
  • @AllanDatGuy
    I remember hearing the story on the yard but this is a wild and sad ending to it. It's sad because the person has an addiction and is likely to reoffend. Lud's decision has good intentions, hopefully there's aren't any bad consequences that come from it.
  • @squish2042
    It’s actually pretty touching that lud would choose to protect this guy from going to prison but Grayson should face harsher consequences. self banning/public shame isn’t enough - people don’t change easily, especially when it involves money.
  • @uppsie
    I'm genuinely impressed, this takes a lot of maturity and restraint to not only admit you got scammed, but to not take the easy vindictive route.