I Prayed Every Day & This Is What Happened... | Russell Brand

Published 2020-09-27

All Comments (21)
  • @JasonGafar
    I love this version of Brand. This man has evolved so much. I am so happy to see the great person he is growing into.
  • @herenow2895
    "Worrying is praying for what you dont want" That is very well put Russel and absolutely bang on.
  • @Nick-vr6fe
    Does anyone else think Russell has such an impeccable vocabulary? I find myself looking up word definitions most times when I watch his vids :D
  • @kamikazezebra
    "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things." -Philippians 4:6‭-‬8 NIV
  • It’s a very important point that praying is not about asking, which simply keeps you in a place of wanting. Gratitude is very powerful.
  • Wow. Exactly what I needed to hear. Truly divine timing 🙏 -Ask to be made ready -express gratitude -envision the day ahead and pray to be present throughout the day -pray for healing for others -pray to be in alignment We can be anyone because we operate in the limitless
  • @gsand07
    I don’t take a single step in the morning when I wake up without prayer first. I also pray throughout the day and of course before sleep at night. I guess I just need A LOT of guidance!❤️
  • i cannot begin to tell you, russell, how much this particular segment means to me being in such a deep state of grief, anger, resentments. i hang on to every word and feel a sense of freedom, hope. a place to start . i am forever grateful!
  • Started praying everyday a few months ago. It absolutely helped my anxiety and catastrophic thinking. Loved this discourse.
  • @JelaniJenkins44
    Loved this - I've been working on praying from a place of "knowing" rather than a place of "hoping".... Feeling gratitude for what is already being attracted into my life rather than feeling stressed for what is missing.. the results have been MAGICAL ✨
  • @majoody130
    As Muslims we have 5 mandatory prayers throughout the day , the main purpose of these 5 prayers is to submit to god alone and feel grateful for giving us all of the blessings we have
  • @Russell Brand you are a beautiful human being with such revelation of God's principles. I believe the spiritual knowledge you have is not in contradiction to Christianity. I pray that you will come to know God personally and intimately through Jesus the son of God. Keep up the good content brother!
  • @taylorkosa333
    Praying and sending love to everyone here who is struggling. We need to come together as one Human Race and realize that we are all in this together! Spread more love and positivity into this world right now it’s much needed!! You’re such an important part of this massive transition occurring on earth. YOU ARE MORE THAN ENOUGH!
  • @elena7372
    Russell - I am so blessed by seeing how Spirit is working through you. Your eyes look more youthful than they ever have. Peace and Grace my friend
  • @barbaracerra
    If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough. Meister Eckhart
  • Yes Mr. Brand, prayer is certainly the answer. I say my Rosary 6 times a week, and "The Divine Mercy Chaplet" on Sundays. I can't imagine NOT praying!!!!
  • You're turning out to be an inspirational teacher on so many levels. I constantly recommend you as a light for those who are confused, or at odds with the spiritual path. Gratitude for you is what I feel every time I see you. And the jokes are good too!
  • @DonBonin
    I like Russell. I think he's the real deal, smart and heartfelt. Almost looks like he was tearing up. Anyway, I like what he's doing.
  • A good one, I find, is to meditate on and break down the Lord’s Prayer / the “Our Father” and apply it to myself. Jesus said “pray LIKE this” he didn’t say, “Pray these exact words or I’m not listening 😑” It’s basically a prayer which acknowledges God’s existence and presence, then asks God to give us what we need so that there can be Heaven on Earth and to help us love properly, to look past our weaknesses and deliver us from shame and guilt and all that is bad for us. There’s loads you can off on tangents with... I find it quite amazing and very helpful.
  • @user-rf9bg7oy7m
    Thank you Russell. The power of prayer has been an amazing force in my life. Keep praying.