How Juul Went From $38 Billion Vaping Startup to Near-Bankrupt | WSJ What Went Wrong

Published 2023-04-20
Juul sparked an e-cigarette craze that led it to a $38 billion valuation, making it one of the most valuable Silicon Valley startups in 2018. Five years later, the vaping giant’s stratospheric rise has been matched with a stunning fall as it faced thousands of lawsuits over the marketing of its vape products, which critics say targeted teens.

WSJ explains Juul’s collapse and what’s next for the struggling e-cigarette company.

0:00 As U.S. cigarette sales fell, ‘juuling’ continued to gain in popularity
0:43 Background on the e-cigarette giant
1:50 Juul’s turning point: FDA takes a closer look at teenage use of Juul’s main product
4:14 Juul’s downfall: potential bankruptcy and lawsuits

What Went Wrong explores the challenging conditions and decisions that led to a company's downturn.

#Juul #E-Cigarette #WSJ

All Comments (21)
  • @andi.popescu
    Did that girl just say she was exposed to fruit and that made her vape? Exposed. To. FRUIT.
  • @tayzonday
    Juul became a patsy for the crimes of others. Their greatest crime was being low-hanging fruit for the virtue theater of politicians. Nicotine dependence can be problematic, just like alcohol, caffeine, THC and refined sugar. But destroying Juul causes nicotine dependency to be more dangerous with lower-quality products. This was about maximum PR benefit for minimum impact.
  • The product design is absolutely fantastic, no question. Shame that all tobacco companies are essentially still merchants of death.
  • @mOOOp42
    I was in college when this whole situation took place. Overall, I find this sad because a lot of young people around me smoked cigarettes and so did I at the time. Vaping was seen as a nerdy thing and the nicotine juices in early vapes would tear apart your throat. Juul with their salt-based nicotine pod was a huge innovation. Vaping was no longer seen as a niche hobby, and it got very popular at my campus. Now with bad laws, manufacturers found a loophole where you can still have fruity flavored vapes as long as they are fully disposable. This is a huge environmental overlook as most teens did not stop vaping but just switch brands from Juul to Elfbars, etc and are now throwing away nicotine juice along with lithium batteries and this will be a huge problem for the environment. Now teens are consuming poorly manufactured disposable vapes that are manufactured in China instead of the USA and are most likely more toxic.
  • Here in Germany JUUL has been banned, and the market is now full of chinese-made disposable vapes that you throw away entirely, with all the plastic casing, electronics and batteries landing in the garbage. Juul pods were compact and simple and much cheaper than those vape pens, and because these pens are so convenient i see much more young people using them then i ever saw with the juul. Pure stupidity and another huge market transfered from western to chinese companies, great job
  • @casedistorted
    What’s funny is they attacked Juul so hard, but now there’s a million versions of Juul made by other companies that are x10 better and cheaper They don’t care about the kids, it’s the tobacco companies in charge.
  • @scottland906
    It's pretty impressive how fast the "everyone does it" turned into "eww you vape?" -- like literally a matter of 5ish years.
  • @brandonsuros
    The downfall of Juul can be blamed entirely on the media for dragging their name through the mud. The entire premise of the medias arguments was that the flavors were made to target youth, which is ridiculous. Saying that is like saying that alcohol companies make flavored alcohol just to target youth. The fault was not the flavors or the company. It was the vape shops and gas station workers who decided to sell to children.
  • Juul is a fantastic product for adults who do not want to use real cigarettes. It is sad that just because this company followed the rules and made money they are the ones suffering the consequences. Go to any liquor store or gas station and their are 10 different brands selling "kids" flavors. Juul sells tobacco and menthol only now, not made for kids. When Juul entered the market everyone had flavored vapor cigarettes (I started with Vapage Vanilla long before Juul was around). This is nothing other than lawyers using kids to make a buck. The "victims" will get a few hundred dollars tops and the lawyers have made millions on both sides. I just got a class letter telling me that Juul owes me $748. Why? I am 46 and I knowingly bought an addictive product, I used the product and now they are going to give me my money back because kids got addicted? Why? How is that fair and how is it justice?
  • @sirsluginston
    I juuled until I couldn't find mint pods anymore. Tried menthol, just wasn't the same. Other brands still had mint, so thats what I bought. Very strange to me that only juul had flavors removed, had all flavored ecigs been banned I most likely would've quit then instead of years later.
  • @amank5639
    Hypocrisy. Ban e cigarette but sales of traditional cigarettes continue
  • @ropro9817
    "But since I was exposed to fruit, obviously, and mango and mint, that I just thought that it was okay" Lol, teenagers are such morons. That's why they need to be protected, unfortunately.
  • @davetate1155
    I like how the girl said that she was exposed to fruit and mango, she thought she would try juul. In other words, I take no responsibility for my bad choices, lets blame someone else.
  • @b1ff
    I didn’t use juul, but I vaped myself off of cigarettes with RDAs and box mods, and then slowly reduced my nicotine consumption to zero. I haven’t had nicotine in over a year, and zero cravings. I was able to quit nicotine altogether because of vaping.
  • Hmmmm… It’s almost like Altria bought a majority share of the company to intentionally tank it, so that they could preserve their cigarette business.
  • @Smokie1523
    A company actually comes out with a product that helps people get off cigarettes, and theyre instantly targetted and nearly run outta town and business... that oughtta tell you all you need to know.
  • @HateTheIRS
    God please bring Juul back, and all the flavors. If I had known they were gonna pull all their flavors I would’ve bought like 1,000$ worth of pods
  • The govt took out JUUL the ONLY american vape company and now china has filled the void with even more dangerous vape devices 🤦‍♂️
  • @asdrofllmao
    Cotton candy vodka? Amazing. Fruit-flavored vapes? Outrageous, we can't have that, think of the teens!
  • @TonyGue
    Now we have elfbars which are 100x worse and teens are still the ones using it good job U.S. FDA 💀