Chess but my king is in jail...

Published 2022-12-19

All Comments (21)
  • this reminds me of that time I was framed for vehicular manslaughter and imprisoned in a max security prison in Florida, and my dad who could stop time had to come help me escape from the maniacal priest trying to kill the inmates and take their soul abilities
  • @Blackern5000
    This feels like something id do at age 10, just roleplaying a chess prison escape.
  • @lmr4403
    Stalemate is the perfect prison, you can't escape and therefore lose.
  • Try again with 2 knights only, its mainly based on luck cause you have to take the rooks hoping that Martin doesn't capture back. I did it first try.
  • @mrparrot238
    I like how the rooks are kinda like guard towers like an actual prison.
  • @pumpkin_boi
    Martin: brings 2 rooks to the 1st rank Nelsi: πŸ‘πŸ‘„πŸ‘
  • @spodreman7732
    I want to see an expert level bot try to escape these prisons while you control the β€œguard” pieces trying to checkmate it.
  • @awang_ir
    Am I the only one who always laugh when Nelson play against Martin? :_king: Anyway, next time we should have 2 knights + lone king vs 1 pawn + lone king checkmate with Nelson's robot (yes, we need to see Nelson vs Nelson bot!) :_bongcloud:
  • JAILBREAK VARIANT: GM Martin sets up his guards, while Nelson, the player, attempts to jailbreak to the first rank. Different guards, different maps. He must escape the prison in 50 or less moves.
  • @kqira8200
    I have another challage for you. Play with Martin. Give him normal pices, and give yourself a lot of queens. Now try to make Martin win. I think it will be harder.
  • @rufusjasko
    Idea Vs Martin. You have to move the same type of piece twice in a row. Eg. If you move a pawn on move 1, then you also have to move a pawn (any pawn) on move 2.
  • WOW, with my dad we made almost exactly the same variant the only difference is that we called it King Escape, and we have knights and bishops !
  • @WithYourArms
    Hey Nelson! This new video was awesome! I have a challenge for you. It's probably not gonna happen but if it does I'll be very happy! You make a wheel, and depending on which action it says capture move or check, you have to do it. If your unable to do it in 1 move, you lose the game. Edit: the comments were pretty helpful for changes, you can make the move 3 or 2 times to make it easier Edit 2: OH CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR 200K SUB COUNT WOOOO!
  • Congratulations on 200,000 subscription πŸ‘!! Well done Nelson!!
  • @jamesahibbard
    I think Stockfish is really struggling to evaluate the position at 0:37 Black is up 14 pawns, 4 rooks and 3 bishops, but still thinks white is +0.6
  • to change up the last one to make it a little more interesting, you have a setup in the corner with the black king adjacent to 2 rooks but they cannot move due to all the dark square bishops. The goal should be to reach the 8th rank instead of 1st because you can have pawns on the 1st or second rank to stop him with pawns infront of them undefended to act like a wall you have to break through. Same idea where there are 1 or 2 light bishops you have to be careful of.
  • @monochrome754
    I just thought of a cool name for the all bishop jail or puzzle. The Checkmaze! It literally just popped in my head as soon as i saw it.
  • @Player-df7ny
    the challenges are hard because the opponent doesn't do the right moves. it's just a random thing that doesn't depend on you. i think you should go against harder bots but easier positions.
  • @TheNorfilas
    Bonnie and Clyde! The king and queen in the "high security" prison and both have to make it to the other side!