IAO YHVH Tetragrammaton Mantra Chant

Published 2019-05-17
IAO: I am the Alpha & Omega, the beginning and the end.

iōta, because the universe hath gone forth; alpha, because it will turn itself back again; ōmega, because the completion of all the completeness will take place.

IAO is an invocation used for the generation and extension of the Holy Light; This Mantra Chant will increase your vibration, and transform you cell by cell, so you are align with the God force, awakening your overself body.

Y-H-V, or IAO, is a “Secret Name” corresponding with the first utterance of Elohim (God) in creation. Ehi Or, “Let there be light.”

Start the practice by facing East:
Seal Above by intoning IAO, envision יהו as Fire Letters above your head.
Seal Below by intoning AIO, envision היו as Fire Letter below your feet.
Seal East by intoning OIA, envision ויה as Fire Letter filling the space east.
Seal West by intoning OAI, envision והי as Fire Letters filling the space west.
Seal the South by intoning IOA, envision יוה as Fire Letters filling the space south.
Seal North by intoning AOI, envision הוי as Fire Letters filling the space north.
Envision streams of Light from the directions meeting in your Spiritual Sun.
Join above and below by intoning IAO-AIO, envision יהו - היו joining at your spiritual sun.
Join East and West by intoning OIA-OAI, envision ויה - והי joining at your spiritual sun.
Join South and North by intoning IOA-AOI, envision יהו - הוי joining at your spiritual sun.

Now intone IAOA and envision your Body of Light transformed into the Image of the Great Name י ה ו ה, as though you become the Holy Letters of the Name.

Now Seal your body with the following tetragrammaton.
יהוה Hey Vod Hey Yod
והיה Hey Yod Hey Vod
היהו Vod Hey Yod Hey
הוהי Yod Hey Vod Hey
היוה Hey Vod Yod Hey
הויה Hey Yod Vod Hey
ההיו Vod Yod Hey Hey
ההוי Yod Vod Hey Hey
יההו Vod Hey Hey Yod
וההי Yod Hey Hey Vod
יוהה Hey Hey Vod Yod
ויהה Hey Hey Yod Vod

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