MWO Gauss Boating: A Wolf in the Basement

Published 2015-02-17
Just 4 gauss rifles and 6 tons of ammo vs. the world. I've been having some great fun with this wacky Dire Wolf quad gauss build. I initially thought it would just be a fun troll, but it's surprisingly effective if used carefully. The D-Wolf is shit against missiles. It has no ECM, is slower than a dead snail and is just a big fat target. Knowing this, when I saw some light mechs coming to harass me at the beginning of the game and probably target me for LRMs, I decided to go where missiles are worthless on HPG Manifold: the basement. Then I had my way with 5 visitors, and ended the game with a come-back win alongside a helpful Raven pilot. The first couple minutes are just some missed shots at light mechs, so feel free to skip to about 2:20 to see scrubs start to get wrecked. I'm thinking of starting a little series of videos about my gauss boating adventures featuring particularly funny, unusual, or high-scoring matches. Constructive criticism, ideas and comments are welcome.


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