Mega Man retrospective: Rock of all trades | NES Works #070

Published 2020-04-15
NES Works 1987 ends as it began: With a cool game by Capcom.

But let's be real. Mega Man is much cooler than Trojan. There's a reason one series had dozens of sequels and spinoffs and the other... didn't. Capcom's first wholly original creation for NES is one of the most inventive and highly polished games on NES to date, period. With a free stage select sequence, alternate special weapons, and imaginative bosses, Mega Man stands out as a brilliant capper to an incredible year for the NES. And just think: The franchise will only get better from here, as we'll see in NES Works 1989. In, uh, a few years.

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All Comments (21)
  • @GetLostGames1
    I remember going to 3 different movie rental stores when i was about 8 years old with my uncle to find this game for rent. When we found it and he grabbed the box; i was like, "are you sure? Look at the box. Its ugly. I draw better than that!" Hahaha. I was 8 and i knew that the artwork for the box was a fail. Lol. Today, Mega Man is still my go-to game on the nes. Great video! Keep them coming.
  • @BoneyGaf
    2021! Will we even be alive by then. Great episode though.
  • @2dskillz
    The way you said "Athena". Your scars are real.
  • @philmason9653
    I've always had a soft spot for this one, because of the unique old school anime feel it has, and the wonderful soundtrack. It might still be my favourite.
  • @unoclayGaming
    It's still my favorite Mega Man game, easily. There is something about the purity of this original entry...the music, the way MM moves..adore this game. Great video.
  • @Seafoamgaming
    Pretty exciting to see N64 works start back up again: Hopefully GB works does too, since that was the original series and it's been a bit dormant. This was a very great episode to top off the current "Season" of NES works, I feel, as it did a good job pointing out why this game started Capcom's legacy as a good developer, rather than an oddball one.
  • @zubizuva
    Wow, what a run 1987 had. And what a way to end the year. Thank you for the wonderful content in these uncertain times. The care, craft, and attention to detailed research in your videos always make them a joy to watch. Looking forward to N64Works!
  • Hey, I just wanted to say I've been watching for awhile now and I absolutely love this series! I decided to comment on this one because Mega Man has been my favorite NES game since I was young and I've been anticipating the day you'd cover it for months. Thank you for all the hard work you put in this series, as it's been an absolute blast to watch!
  • @jasongarrett768
    Ever feel three decades late to the party? Because the rock-paper-scissors observation isn’t making me feel late to the party. (happily caught on to the “rock and roll” naming scheme and never thought on it any further) This really was an amazing year, especially considering how many beloved long running series started here alongside some great one-offs like Goonies II. Zelda, Metroid, Castlevania, Kid Icarus, and Mega Man defined video games for me for years even if I started playing later than the initial release. It’s definitely up there alongside 1998 and 2017 as standout times to be playing(even if what was going on outside games wasn’t so hot).
  • @ThomasMHead
    MegaMan was an incredible game to me as a child! Being able to select stages, themed robots, taking their special weapons! And MegaMan 2 perfected the formula, of course. Instantly became one of my all time favorite series.
  • @malkneil
    Sad to see NES Works going on hiatus until 2021.
  • @Bloxed
    Well, 1987 was a long year for NES Works. It felt like it would never end but alas, here we are exiting 1987 and jumping in 1988. Great video and end to 1987.
  • @FallicIdol
    My friend got Mega Man, which is the only reason I payed attention to it. I got 2 for my birthday though and the rest was history.
  • @WhiteDragonTile
    Doesn't the name Rockman come from the creator love of music? Mega Mans sister is called Roll (rock and roll), his dog is Rush (the band), two reoccuring enemies are Bass and Treble...
  • @Ant509y
    Congratulations on finishing NES Works 1987!
  • @rowtow13
    I notice and admire your restraint on the Yellow Devil.
  • At least 3 stages for me have amazing music in the first game. (Ice, Bomb, and Wilys last two levels were my favs.). It only got better in later games. 87 was a breakthrough year for NES. So curious to see 88.
  • @dayveo
    These videos are a joy and something to look forward to when there's so little to look forward to. I'm so grateful they're still coming
  • @FloatingSunfish
    Dr. Light: Oh, and by the way those points are useless. Megaman: What. What am I fighting foooooooor??
  • Highlight of my day is anytime I see a retrospective notification! Stay safe out there everyone, I hope the best you and yours!