The Skinwalker In My Backyard

Published 2022-06-17
For eight months I have followed and hunted something paranormal outside my house. The deeper I go the worse it gets.

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All Comments (21)
  • @WoM-LoL
    skinwalker posts a youtube video. " Human in my backyard "
  • @RichADio
    When I'm out in the wilderness, I let nature tell me what's going on. At night, if the frogs and bugs get quiet, I know something is up.
  • @msherry5
    I had a friend who got lost in the woods & had to spend the night out there, alone. He would never say what happened, but said it was a life changing experience.
  • @ericthiel4053
    A native American man I met in New Mexico once told me "never whistle at night, and never answer something that calls to you from the night unless it's someone you know" . Solid advice I've always followed. This had to have been terrifying.
  • The scariest thing about being in a forest at night isn’t knowing you’re alone, it’s knowing you’re not.
  • My grandfather was cattleman and hunter. He was in the woods for days and nights all his life. He said that u must afraid only one thing.. a person. If you know the voices and the behavior of the wild animals in your area, you have nothing to fear and nothing to question.
  • @WilliamsChannel3
    My Mom loved this series before she passed in January. She introduced me to you. Thanks for the amazing videos. 1984 - 2024 Rest in Peace. Morgan Rose Bishop.
  • @KatsFateAtHand
    I will never forget the advice: "The further away it sounds, the closer it is to you. Saying its name will draw it near." Our guts know man, there are things out there.
  • @ByTorAndMe
    One night I was out walking my dog a mile or two from my neighborhood where there is a big empty field on either side of the road. The street lights were broken, so it was unusually dark. In the past I've seen a lot of wild animals like foxes, skunks, raccoons, opossums, and coyotes that wander around that area. Suddenly, I hear a horrific loud noise that sounded like fleshy parts flapping together, and then I smell this god-awful smell. Never smelled anything as bad as that in my life. I stood there in the darkness thinking what the hell was that? Then it hit me, my pug Winston had gotten into my brothers room and ate the rest of one of his chili burritos, and was flatulating like a monkey's racehorse. Damn, that was the scariest shit I've ever experienced in my life. I'm sure any skinwalkers in the area took one sniff of that and got the hell out of there. I had to extend his leash to the max and make him walk down wind from me, and I just barely made it home safely.
  • One time I went camping with my father out around the Appalachian mountains because at the time we had lived near them. So we went to the site we were staying at, and set up or stuff. Then we went to a nearby lake to just check it out. It was kind of small with lots of algae in it, I could also see a bunch of fish. We stayed at the lake for a bit, and then I felt an uneasy feeling. I just shrugged it off, like I should have. We then decided to go to a town that was not too far from the site that we were at, because we had a lot of time before having to go to sleep. As we drove down a long narrow road, I saw a bunch of abandoned houses, which also made me feel uneasy, but I again just shrugged it off. We went and got icecream, then my dad saw an outdoors store, and because we needed an extra flashlight, we went in. It was a pretty large store compared to all of the other buildings in the small town. It had canoes, kayaks, camping equipment, and much more. We went and got a flashlight and then just looked around for a bit. We then decided sense we were staying in a kind of ‘in the middle of nowhere’ campground we could ask one of the store employees about the area. So we walked up to one of the employees and asked if he knew anything about the campground we were staying at. He said no and recommended a place near us that had more stuff about the part we were staying in. And because we needed some info on the area, we went over. We walked into the building, and imediatly felt odd. There were taxidermied coyotes that were all deformed, squirrels wearing odd clothes, and many other weird things. We then went to one of the employees and asked him if he knew anything abt the area we were staying. He said yes, and brought us into a room in the back of the building. He then sat us at a table and said that we should’ve went to a different campground, but because we were already booked for a couple nights, it would be fine. Then he looked at us in the eyes, and said “Do you want tips on what to do and not to do? Or just where you should and shouldn’t go”. Me and my dad asked if we could hear both. He then started to say that we should not go out on the water at night, because if you fall off of the boat, you might drown, and no one near you could hear your screams. Then he started to tell us about the coyotes that he had seen the last week. He had said that they were torn apart, with its limbs scattered throughout the area. He said that it could be a bear, but he thinks different. So I asked what he thought it was. He looked at us, with a very serious face and said “A skinwalker. They are like animals, except they aren’t. They are witches that are able to transform. If you look at them, they will haunt you.” He then said to us “Because you are in a dangerous area, I will give you something to defend yourself with” as he said that he went into a back room to get something. He came back with two small knifes. Me and my father looked at the knifes in shock. We still took them. I then asked “Are you being serious?” And he looked at me for a second and nodded. He then said “You cannot whistle at night, it attracts them. Do not say skinwalker at night, it also attracts them. And lastly do not leave your food out, especially meat. They can smell it” Me and my dad looked at him like he was crazy. He then gave us a small pan felt while saying “This has some extra things to do and not to do when in countering a skinwalker.” My dad put it in his pocket. We figured that the guy must have been crazy, but we still listened to him. He then started to tell us the normal things to do and not to do when camping. We said thank you to the man, and on our way out, he said “Good luck.. You’ll need it” We then headed back to the camp ground, still very uneasy from what the man said. By the time we got back, it was already getting late, so we went in the tent we had put up, and turned on our flashlights. My dad then told me that there is nothing to be worried about. And that Skinwalkers are not real. Then I asked him “Aren’t you not supposed to say it’s name at night?” And he said “Oh yeah, I barely believe in that.” As we drifted off to sleep, we turned off the flashlights. In the midddle of the night I heard footsteps around the tent. I grabbed my knife and woke up my dad. He then got his knife too. Me and him started to hear small cotter sounds, like squirrel noises, and muffled dog noises. Me and my dad believed that it was a pack of coyotes considering the footsteps were circling our tent slowly. After waiting for something to happen for a couple minutes, we heard whistling far off into the woods. The second the whistling started, the footsteps quickly disappeared. My dad volunteered to go out and check what was out there, so he quietly unzipped the tent, with his knife ready for whatever was out there. He walked out of the tent. I I didn’t see him for a couple seconds before he came back inside, zipping the door up behind him. He apparently had left the food out with could’ve attracted the ‘coyotes’. When he said that they were coyotes, I had much doubt, considering the man that gave us the knifes told us not to leave food out or the skinwalkers will get us. After that, I wanted to see for myself, so I went out. I looked in the direction I had heard the whistling from, but all I saw was a very distant light. I quickly came back in, zipping myself in my sleeping bag. When we woke up, we decided to go and find the man that gave us the knifes to tell him what had happened that last night. So we got in our car and started driving. As we were driving I saw a colum of smoke not too far away from where we had stayed. We got to the store and went in. There was a different employee in the building this time. We asked him about the man who had given us the knives, and the store employee told us that his name was frank, and that he had quit yesterday night. This gave me an uneasy feeling, considering that our one guide on these creatures was gone. We decided to try to stay one more night, this time we would hide the food. Most of the day was spent at the lake, swimming around. At one point when I looked across the lake to see if I could find any wildlife, I saw two feet. They looked black and humanoid, yet paw like. I squinted my eyes, and I could still see them. So I blinked, and I squinted again. They were gone. Once we got back to the campground, we hid all of the food in our car. And then we went to sleep. I woke up, again, but this time I had to go to the bathroom. So I woke up my dad, and he said that he needed to go too. We got out of the tent and split up to go to separate trees, but I couldn’t shake the feeling that the ‘coyotes’ were back, and were watching me. So I quickly peed and imediatly got back inside of the tent. We slept through the night. When I woke up, I wanted to find paw prints/human prints. So I got up and walked around where I thought I had heard a noise the night before last night. I saw paw prints, which made me think that it was just a coyote. I decided to follow them and see where they lead. Eventually after following them for a while, they slowly morphed into human prints, which still makes me scared. I ran back and got my dad to show him. We came to the footprints, and I tried to fine where they turned into human footprints, but it seemed like they had vanished, which means I couldn’t make him believe in skinwalkers. Once we came back, we had to leave, because we had rented the campground only for a couple days, and that was our last day. In the way back down towards the town, I was scanning the forest for a set of feet, some huge teeth, until I saw something. Out of the passenger side window I saw a paid of eyes connected to a shabby tree. I blinked, and the tree and the eyes were gone. We made it back safely, but the story still scares me
  • @StaceySuttles
    I still can’t believe how funny that comment about the pug and burrito was. If you know you know. 😂 😂
  • @dondearie3693
    I’ve done a lot of hiking and camping in my youth. This one time I was sleeping under the stars, laying on my side when I heard like something walking up behind me. Now I’ve heard deer sound like people walking, this was similar but different. It kept getting closer yet I didn’t move. Then it touched my back still I didn’t panic, I slowly rolled back and found myself staring at a raccoon. After all that, heart racing, imagination running wild, and it was just a raccoon. It’s amazing how much certain sounds can make your imagination run wild.
  • @peteluis2849
    I'm not afraid of the dark, I'm afraid of what's in it
  • @B3ASTM0D3.
    Oh hell no. Imma get me some Rottweilers. A pack of ‘em.
  • @lilyd7612
    As someone who grew up in a Navajo family, I grew up hearing the stories about the skinwalker. you have some huge balls to be able to go out there for the night alone good job bro.
  • If it helps to calm your nerves, the figure in the backyard on camera was a spider web hanging over the camera lens. We get them almost nightly and set off our cameras sometimes every 60 seconds.
  • @ascar1nthasky03
    7:32 As far as Skinwalkers go, I’ve heard the LOUDER they are, the FURTHER they are and the QUIETER they are, the CLOSER they are. Keep that in mind and move ASAP! Don’t answer any doors for any unknown persons or things EVER!!! Good luck man. Wow.
  • @lucyb7929
    Their dog was cowering behind them for protection if they had noticed. Smart dog. i'd be lighting up the backyard like a stadium.